英语格言 1
1、Every potter praises hit pot. 王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。
2、When all else is lost the future still remains.就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。
3、Learn to walk before you run. 循序渐进。
4、One is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。
5、Give everyone his due. 一视同仁。
6、Diamond cuts diamond .强中自有强中手。
7、A life without a friend is a life without sun. 人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有阳光。
8、Custom makes all things easy.习惯成自然。
9、Time tries all things. 时间检验一切。
10、Fact speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。
英文格言 2
1、believe in yourself.
2、consider things from every angle.
3、don't give up and don't give in.
4、want it more that anything.
5、xcellerate your efforts.
6、zero in your target,and go for it.
7、give more than you planned to.
8、hang on to your dreams.
9、ignore those who try to discourage you .
10、take control of your own desting.
11、live well, love lots, and laugh often.
12、open your eyes and see things as they really are.
13、quitters never win and winners never quit.
14、you're uinique, nothing can replace you.
15、understand yourself in order to better understanding others.
16、keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier.
17、never lie, cheat or steal. always smile a fair deal.
18、read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life.
19、enrich your life today,. yesterday is is mystery.
20、family and friends are hidden treasures. seek them and enjoy the riches.
英文格言警句 3
1、Constant dropping wears the stone. 滴水穿石。
2、A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe. 身正不怕影子斜。
3、By doing we learn. 经一事,长一智。
4、A lazy youth, a lousy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
5、Like tree, like fruit. 羊毛出在羊身上。
6、Beauty is but skin-deep. 红颜易变。
7、Nothing down, nothing up. 无下则无上。不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹?
8、A good medicine tasks bitter.良药苦口。
9、A man apt to promise is apt to forget. 轻诺者易忘。
10、As the touchstone tries gold, so gold tries man. 试金石可以试金,正如黄金可以试人。
英文格言 4
There is no way to Pengshan. The birds are eager to visit.
Nuwa's place of refining stones to mend the sky is full of surprises.
Sorrow and labor may prosper the country, and leisure may perish.
A little reading is worth three meals.
The value of life lies in creation.
Although it's hard to wash thousands of clothes, it's hard to blow all the sand before gold comes.
There is no way out of the doubt. There is another village.
A man must not be arrogant, but he must not be arrogant.
If I can survive, I will still study.
My husband's ambition is to live all over the world.
Born in trouble, died in peace.
The body has no colorful Phoenix and two flying wings, and the heart has a sharp touch.
Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers; head-bowed, like a willing ox I serve the children.
If you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it's always appropriate to wear light and heavy makeup.
A man should not be arrogant, not without pride.
People have ups and downs, and the moon has ups and downs.
Qi should not be full, new should not be full.
It's broad-minded, but it's thick, but it's thin.
Quick and eager to learn, I'm not ashamed to ask.
Knowledge is power.
One water to protect the farmland will be green, two mountains to send green.
If one can't love, one can't understand life.
A year's plan lies in spring, and a day's plan lies in the morning.
It can be seen as a peak on the side of the ridge, with different heights in the distance and in the distance.
He can draw a bow and carve a full moon, look northwest and shoot Sirius.
简短英文格言 5
1、别人能做到的事,我一定也能做到。Others can do, I must can do it.
2、改变自我,挑战自我,从现在开始。To change yourself, challenge yourself, from now on.
3、倒霉是一种永远也不会错过的运气。Luck is a kind of luck never missed.
4、发光并非太阳的专利,你也可以发光。Shining is not the patent of the sun, you also may shine.
5、改良社会最有效的方式就是提升自己。The most effective way to improve society is to improve yourself.
6、任何业绩的质变都来自于量变的积累。Any qualitative transformation of outstanding achievements comes from quantitative accumulation.
7、人生如茶,粗品是苦的,细品是香的。Life such as tea, coarse taste is bitter, fine taste is sweet.
8、成功决不喜欢会见懒汉,而是唤醒懒汉。Success never like meeting a bum, but wake up lazy.
9、忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。Bees are busy collecting, too busy to talk in front of people.
10、如果你想攀登高峰,切莫把彩虹当作梯子。If you want to climb, don't put the rainbow as a ladder.
11、 One great because of dream, achieve their goals at an early date.
12、一个懒惰的少年将来就是一个褴褛的老人。An idle youth is a ragged old man in the future.
13、只要你肯奋斗,没有什么是绝对不可能的。As long as you are willing to struggle, nothing is absolutely impossible.
14、人生就像一首江南雨巷的诗,如梦亦如幻。Life is like a poem of jiangnan rain lane, a dream is like magic.
15、人生就像打电话,不是你先挂就是我先挂!Life is like a phone call, not you hang up is I hang up!
16、自以为拥有财富的人,其实是被财富所拥有。Thinks he has a wealth of people, in fact is wealth.
17、自然界没有风风雨雨,大地就不会春华秋实。Nature has no ups and downs, the earth would not be fruitful achievements.
18、贪婪是最真实的贫穷,满足是最真实的财富。Greed is the real poverty, satisfy is the most real wealth.
19、心念一转,万念皆转;心路一通,万路皆通。A change of mind mannen all turn; All heart, wan road.
20、没有退路的时候,正是潜力发挥最大的时候。There is no retreat, it was the time when the maximum potential.
21、当你得不到你想的到的东西时,你会得到经验。When you didn't get what you want, what you will get experience.
22、成功的人总是愿意做没成功的人不愿意做的事。Successful people are always willing to do not successful people don't want to do.
23、人生就像一面镜子,你笑它也笑,你哭它也哭。Life is like a mirror, you laugh it also laugh, you cry it also cry.
24、美丽的蓝图,落在懒汉手里,也不过是一页废纸。Beautiful blueprint, fall at the hand of idlers, but also is a sheet of paper.
25、也许这也是人性的弱点,总爱作自己熟悉的事情。Maybe it is the weakness of human nature, loves to make yourself familiar with things.
26、岸边的奇花异草,是拘留不住奔腾向前的江水的。The shore, is detained pentium forward of the water in the river.
27、积极思考造成积极人生,消极思考造成消极人生。Cause a positive life, positive thinking negative thoughts lead negative life.
28、庸人费心将是消磨时光,能人费尽心计利用时间。Mediocrities bother to spend her time will be, homo habilis had shrewd use of our time.
29、经过海浪的一番磨砺,卵石才变得更加美丽光滑。After the waves of hone, smooth pebble became more beautiful.
30、浪费了今生今世,人就再也得不到什么来生来世。Waste of this life, people will never get any afterlife afterlife.
31、脆弱的人,只懂得怜悯自已,而不知道反省自已。Vulnerable people, understand only have mercy on yourself, and reflect on yourself.
32、早晨不起,误一天的事,幼时不学,误一生的事。Morning, miss a day, not learn at a young age, miss a lifetime.
33、明天是世上增值最快的一块土地,因它充满了希望。Make up our biggest obstacle to learning is known, not unknown things.
34、人们痛苦的原因,是他们追求了错误的目标,并且不能放手。Why people suffering, is their pursuit of the wrong target, and can't let go.
35、真正的爱,应该超越生命的长度心灵的宽度灵魂的深度。The real love, should go beyond the length of your life, the width of the spirit, and the depth of the soul.
36、苦口的是良药,逆耳必是忠言。改过必生智慧,护短心内非贤。Is a good medicine tastes bitter, when most needed is least heeded it is good advice. But will have wisdom, justifying a fault heart not merit.
37、宁可失败在你喜欢的事情上,也不要成功在你所憎恶的事情上。Would rather fail on the things you enjoy, and don't succeed in anything you hate.
38、人生就像一只钟摆,永远在渴望的痛苦和满足的厌倦之间摆动!Life is like a pendulum, always desire oscillating between pain and meet the tired!
39、人生就像抛物线,每一个起承转合,都风生了五味杂陈的心思。Life is like a parabola, since each handing down, when the heart of mixed emotions.
40、人若软弱就是自己最大的敌人;人若勇敢就是自己最好的朋友。We are your own worst enemy if we are weak; If a man be brave is her best friend.
41、如果我们都去做自己能力做得到的事,我们会让自己大吃一惊。If we are to do their ability to do it, we will make them a big surprise.
42、人所缺乏的不是才干而是志向,不是成功的能力而是勤劳的意志。Instead of talents of lack of ambition, not ability to succeed but hardworking will.
43、人是可以快乐地生活的,只是我们自己选择了复杂,选择了叹息!People can be happy life, we just choose the complex, choose a sigh!
44、出路出路,走出去了,总是会有路的。困难苦难,困在家里就是难。Way way out and went out, there will always be. Difficult suffering, trapped in the home is difficult.
45、人类既强大又虚弱,既卑琐又崇高,既能洞察入微又常常视而不见。Human is both strong and weak, humiliated and sublime, both can hyper aware and often turn a blind eye.
46、面对,不一定最难过;孤独,不一定不快乐;得到,不一定能长久。In the face of, not necessarily the most sad; Lonely, not necessarily not happy; Can get, not necessarily for a long time.
47、成功需要成本,时间也是一种成本,对时间的珍惜就是对成本的节约。Success need to cost, time is also a kind of cost, to cherish time is to cost savings.
48、逆境是成长必经的过程,能勇于接受逆境的人,生命就会日渐的茁壮。Adversity is the process of shaping, to have the courage to accept adversity, life will be increasingly strong.
49、人生就像向日葵在黑夜里坚持一样!等待阳光,为了阳光而来到世上!Life is like sunflower adhere to in the dark! Waiting for the sun, for sunlight coming into the world!
50、当你劝告别人时,若不顾及别人的自尊心,那么再好的言语都没有用的。When you advise others, if you don't care about other people's self-esteem, so it is a good words are useless.
51、用最少的悔恨面对过去。用最少的浪费面对现在。用最多的梦面对未来。Face the past with the regret at least. Face the present with the least amount of waste. With the most dream to face future.
52、心要跟小孩一样,很单纯很简单,才能很快进步。要简单,但不要简陋。Heart like a child, very simple, very simple, to progress quickly. Should be simple, but not humble.
53、你今天发愁的很多事情可能都不去发生,所以不要为没有发生的事情发愁。You worry a lot of things today may not go to happen, so don't worry about what didn't happen.
54、背负着过去的痛苦,夹杂着现实的烦恼,这对于人的心灵而言是无任何益处。With the pain of the past, mingled with the reality, it is no any benefit for the human mind.
55、如果你还认为自己还年轻,还可以蹉跎岁月的话,你终将一事无成,老来叹息。If you still think you are young, still can waste time, you will accomplish nothing, old to sigh.
56、再烦,也别忘微笑;再急,也要注意语气;再苦,也别忘坚持;再累,也要爱自己。Again tired, also don't forget to smile; Again nasty, also want to pay attention to tone; Again painstakingly, also don't forget to insist on; Again tired, also want to love yourself.
57、你出生的时候,你哭着,周围的人笑着;在生命的尽头,你笑着,而周围的人在哭着。When you were born, you cried, the people around with a smile; At the end of the life, you're smiling but lookers-on are crying.
58、当你快乐时,你要想,这快乐不是永恒的。当你痛苦时,你要想,这痛苦也不是永恒的。When you are happy, if you want, the happiness is not eternal. If you want to, when you pain, this pain is not eternal.
59、一千个人就有一千种生存方式和生活道路,要想改变一些事情,首先得把自己给找回来。One thousand people have one thousand kind of way of life and the life road, want to change something, first of all have to get myself back.
经典英语格言 6
1、Do not teach fish to swim.
2、East or west, home is the best.
3、Experience is the best teacher.
4、Faith can move mountains.
5、First impressions are half the battle.
6、Good wine needs no bush.
7、Haste makes waste.
8、He that promises too much means nothing.
9、He who has an art has everywhere a part.
10、He would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom.
11、Home is where the heart is.
12、If you are not inside a house, you don not know about its leaking.
13、It is never too late to mend.
14、It six of one and half a dozen of the other.
15、Just has long arms.
16、Keep something for a rainy day.
17、Life is a span.
18、Man proposes, God disposes.
19、Meet plot with plot.
20、Merry meet, merry part.
21、Mind acts upon mind.
22、Never hit a man when he is down.
23、Never judge by appearances.
24、No fire without smoke.
25、Nurture passes nature.
26、One is never too old to learn.
27、One swallow does not make a summer.
28、One who has seen the ocean thinks nothing of mere rivers.
29、Out of sight, out of mind.
30、Practice makes perfect.
31、Poverty is stranger to industry.
32、Rome was not built in a day.
33、Sense comes with age.
34、So many men, so many minds.
35、Some thing is learned every time a book is opened.
36、Strike while the iron is hot.
37、The car will find its way round the hill when it gets there.
38、The heart is seen in wine.
39、The worse luck now, the better another time.
40、Time tries all things.
41、Use legs and have legs.
42、Virtue never grows old.
43、Walls have ears.
44、What is done cannot be undone.
45、Wine in, truth out.
46、Genius only means hard-working all one’s life.
47、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible “。
48、There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power.
49、Cease to struggle and you cease to live.
50、A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.
51、Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.
52、Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again.
53、Accept what was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.
54、Behind every successful man there’s a lot u unsuccessful years.
55、Enrich your life today, yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery.
56、The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
57、Between two stools one falls to the ground.
58、You have to believe in yourself. That’s the secret of success.
59、Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.
60、The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.
61、There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
62、You’re uinique, nothing can replace you.
63、Great works are performed not by strengh, but by perseverance.
64、Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have.
65、If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people’s backs and heads.
如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你 英语励志名言 抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。
66、Keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier.
67、True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime.
68、The first wealth is health.
69、Where there is life, there is hope.
70、What makes life dreary is the want of motive.
71、At twenty years of age , the will reigns; at thirty , the wit ; and at forty , the judgment.
72、Shallow men believe in luck.Self-trust is the first secret of success.
73、I have no secret of success but hard work.
74、If you fail, don’t forget to learn your lesson.
75、I have nothing to offer but blood, boil, tears and sweat.
76、Sweat is the lubricant of success.
77、A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.
78、That man is the richest whose pleasure are the cheapest.
79、You make the failure complete when you stop trying.
80、If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?
81、Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success.
82、Success often depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed.
83、Think great thoughts and you will be great!
84、Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.
85、Gods determine what you’re going to be.
86、A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.
87、If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it. Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth.
88、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”。
89、If you have great talents, industry will improve them;if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency.
90、The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.
91、Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
92、One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning.
93、It never will rain roses.When we want to have more roses we must plant trees.
94、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry.
95、Each man is the architect of his own fate.
96、Great works are performed not by strength , but by perseverance.
97、Dare and the world always yields.If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb.
98、I think success has no rules, but you can learn a lot from failure.
99、Do you love life ? Then do not squander time ; for that’s the stuff5 life is made of.
100、All time is no time when it is past.
英语格言 7
1、Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.有时候一个人为不花钱得到的东西付出的代价。 ——Albert Einstein美国科学家爱因斯坦
2、He that once deceives is ever suspected. 骗人一次,受疑一世。
3、Do not change horses in mid-stream.别在河流中间换马。
4、A young idler, an old beggar。An idle youth, a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
5、Behind the mountains there are people to be found.天外有天,山外有山。
6、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.有志者,事竟成
7、Bad luck often brings good luck. 塞翁失马,安知非福
8、Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.杰出的人有着目标,其他人只有愿望。
9、A fox may grow gray, but never good.江山易改,本性难移。
10、Good wine needs no bush. 酒香不怕巷子深。
英语格言 8
1、Things done can not be undone. 覆水难收。
2、All things in their being are good for something.天生我材必有用。
3、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something.A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.只要有一个人还有所追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。 ——J. Barrymore巴里穆尔
4、A man is only as good as what he loves.一个人要用他所爱的东西有多好来衡量。
5、Never hit a man when he is down. 不要落井下石
6、Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方吧,成为�
7、Clumsy birds have to start flying early.笨鸟先飞。
8、In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.到头来,你活了多少岁不算什么,重要的是,你是如何度过这些岁月的。
9、We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves. There must be contests, and we must win.我们通过战胜自己来改进自我。 那里一定有竞赛,我们一定要赢!
10、Nothing is so certain as the unexpected. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。
英语格言 9
1、Those who adhere to the principles of wisdom, have right attitudes, and true to their words and discharge their duties with responsibility are loved by people.人们爱戴忠於真理态度良好言而有信对职位负责的人。
2、Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest.每匹马都认为自己所负的背包最重。
3、No matter how bad your heart has been broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief. The sun comes right back up the next day.不管你有多痛苦,这个世界都不会为你停止转动。太阳依旧照样升起。
4、Do not have too many irons in the fire.贪多嚼不烂。
5、Experience is the best teacher. 实践出真知。
6、Sharp tools make good work.工欲善其事,必先利其器。
7、Business is business.公事公办。
8、When work is a pleasure, life is joy! When work is duty, life is slavery.工作是一种乐趣时,生活是一种享受!工作是一种义务时,生活则是一种苦役。
9、Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。
10、Great works are performed not by strength , but by perseverance.完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。 ——Samuel Johnson英国作家和评论家约翰逊
积极向上的英文格言有哪些 10
All damage will only make me stronger, more powerful guardian my dream.
Not to give in to your dream, you yield in a you don't have and also won't some of the things.
All activists are dreamers.
Let's go beyond dream, fly.
If I don't work hard, then who is going to complete the dream for me.
If you want to dream, first woke up from my dream.
Dream will not escape, escape is always himself.
Make successful visual vision board, deepen the impression.
In my heart, your happiness is my biggest dream.
Dream is very light, but so have the power to fly to the sky.
Dream is the idea of the soul, is the secret of our true feelings.
Yearning for freedom, and always believe in hope, believe that dream.
Before departure is all a dream, after all is a challenge.
Help others to get, he wants your dream will come true.
Did not cause any action of thought is not ideas but the dream.
Imagination is not unfounded, not a way from the actual situation.
All great actions and thoughts, all have a insignificant beginning.
Should not give up to the world, because you have great dream!!
The poor do not mean a penniless person, but to no dream.
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
There is a long way in the world is called dream, and a high wall called reality.
Every day, my people, to have a dream, don't want to get drunk to have a dream!
Know what is my dream? The mature adults, real mature adults.
Youth is short, please remember the original dream. Mr. My dream and girls, come on.
Dreamed of battle sword go back, only to find that still can not let go home.
Once the dream, now just dream; Once the ideal, now only pain.
Dream both near and far, again far dream also want to brave the recent step!
Ordinary simple dream, we used the only adhere to the belief to support the dream.
Even if the whole body scar, still have dreams. Even if nobody wants, more want to spread your wings and fly.
The most wonderful life is not a dream moment, but insists the dream.
I allow you into my world, but don't you walked around in my world.
英文格言警句 11
1、Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦即快乐。
2、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。
3、never put off till tomorrow what you can do today 今日事,今日毕 。
4、Learn to creep before you leap. 先学爬,后学跳。
5、Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud. 知识使人谦虚,无知使人骄傲。
6、Knowledge comes from experience alone. 知识来自实践。
7、Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕。
8、Keep good men company and you shall be of the number.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。
9、Justice has long arms.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
10、Judge not from appearances.人不可貌相,海不可斗量。
英语格言 12
1、Caution is the parent of safety.小心驶得万年船。
2、Creep before you walk.循序渐进。
3、Storms make trees take deeper roots.风暴使树木深深扎根。
4、True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime.对任何技能的掌握都需要一生的刻苦操练。
5、Never say die.永不气馁!
6、If winter comes , can spring be far behind ? ( P. B. Shelley , British poet ) 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱。 P. B.)
7、Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。
8、Laugh and grow fat.心宽体胖。
9、A plant may produce new flowers; man is young but once.花有重开日,人无再少年。
10、Sometimes your plans don’t work out because God has better ones.有时候,你的计划不奏效,是因为上天有更好的安排。
经典英语格言 13
Youth means limitless possibilities.年轻就是无限的可能。
You can do it too!你也做得到!
To convert defeat into victory.反败为胜。
never lie, cheat or steal. always smile a fair deal.决不撒谎,欺骗,偷窃,公平交易。
make it happen.让思想变为现实。
Leave behind a clean world for future generations.留给下一代一个清洁的地球。
just do it!埋头实干!
ignore those who try to discourage you 。阴险与打击勿放心上。
I know that my future is not just a dream.我知道我的未来不是梦。
hang on to your dreams.追逐梦想。
give more than you planned to.多多给予,不必计较。
Get to another summit in your career.开创职业生涯的另一个高峰。
Courtesy on one side only lasts not long.来而不往非礼也。
Count one’s chickens before they are hatched.蛋未孵先数雏。
Content is better than riches.知足者常乐。
A burden of one’s choice is not felt.爱挑的担子不嫌重。
A bully is always a coward.色厉内荏。
A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.吹牛与说谎本是同宗。
A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。
A bad workman always blames his tools.不会撑船怪河弯。
英文格言警句 14
1、A little pot is soon hot. 狗肚子盛不得四两油。
2、A silent tongue and true heart are the most admirable things on earth. 缄默的嘴,真诚的心,是世界上最令人赞美的东西。
3、Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future. 知识改变命运,英语成就未来。
4、A tall tree catches the wind. 树大招风。
5、The voice of one man is the voice of no one. 一个人的声音没有力量。
6、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. 对明天做好的准备就是今天做到!
7、A good fame is better than a good face. 美名胜过美貌。
8、Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. 投鼠忌器。
9、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口,忠言逆耳。
10、Every man is his own worst enemy.一个人的敌人就是他自 己。
英语格言 15
1、Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事,今日毕。
2、Winners do what losers dont want to do.胜利者做失败者不愿意做的事!
3、As a man sows, so he shall reap .种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆
4、Throughout life, we rely on small groups of people for love, admiration, respect, moral support and help.整个一生, 我们都有赖于从一些人群中获得友爱赏识尊重道义支持和帮助。
5、Life is a journey, not the destination, but the scenery along the should be and the mood at the view.人生就是一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的应该是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。
6、Nurture passes nature.教养胜过天性。
7、You have to believe in yourself. Thats the secret of success.你必须相信自己,这是成功的关键。 ——Charles Chaplin美国演员卓别林
8、A book that remains shut is but a block. 书本不常翻,犹如一块砖。
9、Do it now 机不可失,时不再来。
10、Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。
英语格言 16
1、Clumsy birds have to start flying early. 笨鸟先飞。
2、Sow nothing, reap nothing.春不播,秋不收。
3、A relationship should be between two people, not the whole world.爱情是两个人的事,与旁人无关。
4、If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.太容易的路,可能根本就不能带你去任何地方。
5、Do as you would be done by. 己所不欲,勿施于人。
6、Genius only means hard-working all ones life.天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。
7、You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.你不能改变你的过去,但你可以让你的未来变得更美好。一旦时间浪费了,生命就浪费了。
8、When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory .(Abraham Lincoln , American statesman) 如果一个目的是正当而必须做的,则达到这个目的的必要手段也是正当而必须采取的。 (美国政治家 林肯。 A.)
9、Let bygones be bygones.过去的就让它过去吧。
10、Like author, like book.文如其人。
积极向上的英文格言有哪些 17
Jack of all trades and master of none.门门精通,样样稀松。
there is no royal road to learning. 学问之道无捷径。
The unexamined life is not worth living. 混混噩噩的生活不值得过。
the early bird catches the worm 早到的鸟儿有虫吃 。
Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦即快乐。
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。
never put off till tomorrow what you can do today 今日事,今日毕 。
Learn to creep before you leap. 先学爬,后学跳。
Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud. 知识使人谦虚,无知使人骄傲。
Knowledge comes from experience alone. 知识来自实践。
Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕。
Keep good men company and you shall be of the number.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。
Justice has long arms.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
Judge not from appearances.人不可貌相,海不可斗量。
it’s better than never 有总比没有好。
For man is man and master of his fate. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。
Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。
Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people. 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。
All things in their being are good for something. 天生我才必有用。
All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。
英语格言 18
1、Do not be led by reports, or tradition, or hearsay.不要被任何报导传统或流言所左右。
2、Great hopes make great man.伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物。
3、When at Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。
4、Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse. 无知的狂热是脱缰的野马。
5、Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship.比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱,单身反而更好。
6、Each bird love to hear himself sing.孤芳自赏。
7、.Never to old to learn.活到老,学到老。
8、To be attached to one thing to a certain view and to look down upon other thing views as inferior--this wise men call a fetter.固执某一件事物或某种见解,而轻视其他事物或见解是卑鄙的,智者称它为束缚。
9、Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.不经灾难不知福。
10、There is no royal road to learning.求知无坦途。
英语格言 19
1、The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.权力越大,滥用职权的危险就越大。
2、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!
3、It never will rain roses . When we want to have more roses we must plant trees.天上不会掉下玫瑰来,如果想要更多的玫瑰,必须自己种植。 ——G. Eliot英国小说家艾略特
4、May I be strenuous, energetic and persevering !May I be patient! May I be able to bear and forbear the wrongs of others! May I ever keep a promise given! 愿我努力精进,勤奋不懈;愿我有耐心能容忍并宽恕别人的过错,愿我能信守自己立下的诺言。
5、Life is half spent before we know what it is.人过半生,方知天命。
6、Reading makes a full man. 读书长见识。
7、Actions speak louder than words. 行动比语言更响亮。
8、Live and let live. 自己生活也让别人生活。
9、It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open. 创业容易守业难。
10、Believe in yourself.相信你自己!
英文格言警句 20
1、Beware beginnings. 慎始为上。
2、Life is half spent before we know what it is. 人过半生,方知天命。
3、A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。
4、Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public. 在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。
5、A man can not spin and reel at the same time. 一心不能二用。
6、A stumble may prevent a fall. 小惩大诫。
7、A good friend is my nearest relation. 良友如近亲。
8、Keep good men company and you shall be of the number. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。
9、A smart coat is a good letter of introduction. 人要衣装,佛要金装。
10、What we acquire without sweat we give away without regret.得之不费力,弃之不可惜。