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武汉市中考英语试卷: 1




1、 A. A nice plate B. Delicious C.For Kate

2、 A. A black cat B. Very heavy C.It’s black

3、 A. In the meeting room B. At eight thirty C.For about one hour

4、 A.It’s a nice one B.The smaller one C.High in the sky

5、 A.This afternoon B.With Jenny C.In the office



6.Who sings well?

A.Mary B.Kate C.Classmates

7.How will the man probably go to the hotel?

A.On foot B.By bus C. By subway

8.What happened to the boy?

A.He was late for school

B.He went to see a doctor

C.His father left him alone home.

9.Who thinks history is not as popular as art?

A.The man B.The woman C. Both of them

10.What’s the time now?

A.10:15 B.10:30 C.10:45

11.Where are the two people?

A. In the man’s office B.In the woman’s home C. In a restaurant

12.What does the woman mean?

A.She has just bought a new car.

B.She has no time to help the man.

C.She will drive the man to the station.




13.What’s David doing?

A.Shopping online

B.Playing computer games

C. Studying English

14.How much will the woman pay for the dictionary?

A.60yuan B.35yuan C.25yuan

15.What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Buyer and seller B.Mother and son C. Teacher and student


16.When does this conversation take place?

A.In the morning B.In the afternoon C.In the evening

17.Why won’t the woman go to karaoke?

A.She doesn’t like it.

B.She can’t sing very well

C.She doesn’t want to go out

18.What are they going to do at last?

A.Have dinner B.Sing songs C.Watch TV


19.Who do you think the man is?

A. A stranger B. A friend C. A family member

20.What do we know about the woman?

A.She likes her hometown.

B. She knows little about Wuhan.

C.She’s never been away from Wuhan.

21.Which of the following used to be the oldest?

A.The science museum B.The city library C.The park

22.What does the woman suggest doing ?

A.Climbing the hills B.Having a meal C. Seeing more places


23.What happened while Mr Smith was reading?

A. A ball hit him on the head

B.Some boys went to visit him

C.Someone gave the ball back to him

24.Where was the ball finally found?

A.In the office B.On the playground C.Beside the window

25.What do you think Mr. Smith most probably was?

A. A football player B.A policeman C.A teacher

第二部分 笔试部分


26.---Would you like to play basketball with us this afternoon?

---________,but my mother is ill.

A. I don’t care B.It’s very nice of you

C. Of course not D.My pleasure

27.---Who is that lady?

---She’s Miss Green. She_______us music,and she is so good.

A.taught B. teaches C.will teach D. is teaching

28.---Sorry,Tom. I can’t find the book you______me.

---It’s OK. I don’t need it any more.

A.lend B.have lent C.will lend D.lent

29.I don’t feel very well,Jack. I’m afraid you______me your cold.

A.give B.had given C.have given D.would give

30.---What’s the matter,Jenny?

---______something wrong with my bike.

A.It is B.There is C.I have D.It has

31.---I had a pleasant winter vacation with my family in the north.


A.Oh, that’s nice of you B.Enjoy yourself

C.Well done D.Glad to hear that

32.---I think students can have mobile phones to help with their studies.

---_______.They often use them to play games.

A. I think so B.I don’t agree C.No problem D. That’s a good idea

33.---There’ re four bedrooms in the house_______with its own shower.

---That’s what I want. I’ve got a few kids.

A.either B.neither C.each D.none

34.---Come home before dinner time,Peter!


A.promise B.guess C.wish D.admire

35.Are you alone? I just want a______ word with you.

A. single B.new C.private D.certain

36.---Look, the boss is very angry with Alex.

---Well,he came late again.But that’s no______ to shout at him.

A.problem B. lesson C.excuse D. Reason

37.---Her father tried to______ that nothing unusual had happened.

---In fact,it was not serious.

A.imagine B.pretend C.mean D.warn

38.---Why did she______your invitation?

---Because she had an important meeting to attend that day.

A.turn down B.put away C. look up D.hand in

39.---I still haven’t found my pet dog.

---I’m sorry to hear that. You______ be very sad.

A.can B.should C.must D.will

40.---What did the teacher say to you ?

---He asked me______.

A.why I look unhappy then B.when did I go home last night

C.how could I solve the problem D.if I had got everything ready


A jobless man wanted to apply (求职) for the position of “office boy” at Microsoft. The staff manager interviewed him and then gave him a 41 :clean the floor. The man passed it: he cleaned the floor very well.

“You are hired(雇佣),”the manger told the man. “Give me your email address,and I’ll send you the form to 42 。I shall also send you the 43 you should report for the work.”

The man replied, “I don’t have a 44 ,or email!”

“I am sorry,” said the manager. “If you don’t have email, that means you do not exist(存在)。And we cannot 45 persons who do not exist.”

The man was very 46 。He didn’t know what to do. He only had 10 dollars with that was 47 。he wouldn’t have any money to buy even food.He went to the supermarket and bought a box of tomatoes with his 10 dollars. He went from door to door and 48 the tomatoes in small bags.He doubled his money.

He 49 this tree times, and returned home with 60 dollars. He realized that he could continue to live this way.He started to go earlier every day,and returned later. He doubled or made even three times his money every day.Soon, he 50 a cart,then a truck.In a very short time, he had his many delivery(递送)trucks.

Five years later,the man became one of the most biggest 51 sellers in the country. He started to plan his family’s future. He called an insurance(保险)broker, a man who sells insurance.At the end of the 52 ,

the broker asked him for his email address. The man replied, “I don’t have en email.”

Hearing that, the broker felt very 53 。 “You don’t have email,and yet have succeeded in becoming so 54 。Can you imagine what you could have been if you had email?” he said a loud, The man thought for a while,and replied, “an office 55 at Microsoft.!”

If you just lost your job or just failed an interview, don’t worry,think of the positive(积极的)。.。 Good days are on the way and something better will happen to you.

41.A.job B.hand C.chance D.test

42.A.checked out B.put up C.fill in D.write down

43.A.name B.date C.address D.ticket

44.A.computer B.screen C.website D.letter

45.A.believe B.pay C.accept D.refuse

46.A.pleased B.excited C.embarrassed D.disappointed

47.A.exchanged B.spent C.wasted D.lost

48.A.divided B.showed C.kept D.sold

49.A.repeated B.reminded C.tried D.counted

50.A.borrowed B.repaired C.received D.bought

51.A.truck B.insurance C.food D.door

52.A.introduction B.conversation C.business D.story

53.A.worried B.satisfied C.upset D.surprised

54.A.clever B.healthy C.rich D.confident

55.A.boy B.secretary C.cleaner D.head



56.The above material may probably be________.

A.a survey B.a map of Moorfields

C.an advertisement D.an introduction to London

57.Eye to Eye activity will take place_______.

A.on 28 February B.on Sunday 13 March

C.around the London Eye D.in Moorfields Eye Hospital

Eye Charity is a(n)________.

A.company B.hospital C.eye center D.walking club

59.It’s clear that________.

A.you can sign up by telephone or on the website.

B.many people in the UK go blind every 15 minutes

C.it’s 4 miles between the Eye Hospital and the London Eye

D.the purpose of the activity is to help people tell directions

60.The material has something to do with______.

A.eye doing B.walk racing C.sight research D.London trip


Andrew Holleman, a 12-year-old boy,loved playing in the open land near his home.The land was wet and forested, and made a home for birds, other animals and many different plants.

It made the perfect place for him to study and get to know the nature. He had seen some red-tail hawks, red foxes, wood turtles and other animals. He also found special native flowers.

Suddenly it was announced that the “empty” land would be improved by a lot of houses on it. The plants would be removed, the animals would run away and most would probably die. Then the wet soil would be covered with extra grounds.

When he heard about the news, he was not happy. He was very worried that the land ans water would be polluted.

Andrew wrote down clearly all the research he had down about the area, and how the houses would affect the local environment. He sent letters to members of local government and television reporters. He also called on his neighbors to oppose the building of the houses.

Although he was only 12 years old, he had the courage and wisdom of a person much older. Andrew’ s teachers described him as gentle, shy and active. His classmates also admired how much he knew about local animals and plants,and the environment.Each day after school, Andrew went door-to-door, to ask the people to sign, who did not want the houses to be built. In only one month, he got the signatures of 250 people.

In the end, the land remained a safe place for birds, animals and plants that belonged there.

Andrew won many prizes for his brave and great work to stop the houses being built,and thus help save the environment.

61.The passage is mainly about_______.

A.250 people who signed to help Andrew.

B. a brave boy who cared for the environment.

C. the open land that suited animals and plants

D.the research of improving the environment.

62.The underlined word “oppose” in the passage probably means_______.

A.support B.dislike C.disagree D.prefer

63.Andrew was very worried because________.

A.the animals would be killed

B.new houses would be built on the open land

C.not all the neighbors were going to sign

D.was praised by his teachers and classmates

65.We can infer that_______.

A. the land would remain as it used to be

B. the open land would be built into a park

C.the neighbors would have to move away

D.Andrew would soon work for the government


The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league with 32 teams in. How does one choose which team to support? Some people choose the team of their hometown, or where they now live, or the team that their parents or their parents or their friends follow.

A boy student from Oklahoma wrote a letter to each of the owners or presidents of the 32 NFL teams. He would see what answers he got, and then choose his team.

Bill was home from school sick. It was the week before Christmas. He was “kind of bored” and needed something to do. So he asked his parents if he could write to every professional football team. Bill wrote the 32 letters by hand.

“We weren’t quite sure what we could get back. He didn’t really have one team that he wanted to hear from,” his mother said: “He just wanted to see what kind of reply he’ d get.”

A letter to the Carolina Panthers’ owner Jerry Richardson was one of those posted. Bill wrote in his letter, “My family and I love football. They are fans of different teams.But I don’t have a team to cheer for yet. I am ready to pick an NFL team to cheer on for lifetime!”

A few weeks later, Bill’s mother was pulling into her driveway when a delivery man arrived with a box from the Panthers. When Bill came home, he excitedly opened the box. Inside he found a signed Carolina Panthers helmet(头盔)as well as a handwritten note from Jerry.

The team owner had written to Bill, “We should be honored(光荣的)if our Carolina Panthers became your team. We would make you proud of your joining us.”

Bill was overjoyed with what he got. He decided that from then on he would support the Panthers. He keeps the letter from Jerry in his bedroom. His mother says, “It’s not the helmet they sent us. It’s what they told us.” That is what mattered to Bill and why he chose to become a Panthers’ fan.

66.We learn from the passage______.

A.friends always choose different teams to support.

B.only 32 cities in America have their own football teams

C.some people choose a team to support as their parents do

D.football teams are just popular with the people of their hometowns

67.Bill wanted to choose a football team to support because______.

A.NFL was very professional

B.he himself was willing to do it

C.his parents expected him to do it

D.he was ill and felt bored at school

68.The result of Bill’s letter to the Panthers was that______.

A.his mother kept the reply from him

B.he got many helmets from 32 teams

C. each team wanted him to be its player

D.he became a fan of the Carolina Panthers

69.It’s clear that________.

A. it is proper to be a football fan by Christmas

B. the team owner wrote back to Bill by email

C.the note from the team owner meant a lot to Bill

D. Bill’ s parents would also be fans of the Panthers

70.The best title for the passage can be _______.

A. Christmas Gift B.Helpful Mother

C.Receiving a Helmet D.Choosing a Team

第II卷(非选择题 共35分)



71.I used to be________ about tests all the time.

72.Wait before you buy that watch. Let’s________ the prices in another store.

Chinese New Year, people like to_________ time with their families.

74.She________ in a small town, although she lives in a big city now.

75.I haven’t seen my cat for two days. I’m very________ about her.

There be句型知识点 2

(1)There be句型主要用以表达“某处(某时)有某人(某物)。”其基本结构为“There be+某物(某人)+某地(某时)”其中there是引导词,没有词义;主语是be后面的名词, be是谓语动词,在一般现在时中be只用is和are两种形式。下面这首歌诀可帮你巧记there be句型结构:

There be放句首,主语跟在后。地、时放句末,强调置前头。如:

There is a book on the desk.


On the desk there is a book.

(2)There be句型中的be动词如何确定呢?请先看看下面这首歌诀:

Be动词,有三个,am,is还有are。“There be”真特别,不留am只留俩,那就是is还有are。要用is还是are,须看其后的名词是单数还是复数。若是单数或不可数名词用is,否则就用are。如:

①There is a tree behind the house.

②There is some water(水)in the bottle(瓶子)。

③There are some pears in the box.


①There is a book and some pens on the floor.

②There are some pens and a book on the floor.

词汇与短语 3

1、 convention n. 习俗

2、 embarrass v. 使困窘

3.rigid adj. 严格

4、 hereditary adj. 世袭的

5.manual adj. 体力的

6、 accent n. 口音

7、 received pronunciation adj. (英语的)标准发音

8.well-bred adj. 有教养的

9、 servility n. 卑屈

10、 occupation n. 职业

2017年重庆高考英语试卷参考答案 4





6-10 BAABC 11-15 ACACB



16、 Tuesday 17. 25 18.painter 19.videos 20. 4


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)

21-25 DABCD 26-30 BCBBA 31-35 DACAD

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)

36-40 BDACA 41-45 DDBCAD 46-50 BCADB 51-55 CABDC



56-60 BDBBC 61-65 ADCDC 66-70 ABDCA


71-75 EADBF



Dear Jim,

I’m writing to invite you to the annual Campus Culture Festival to be held next Friday.

This year the festival will provide various activities. As a lover of traditional culture, I’d like to choose kite flying. There will be pictures, poems and proverbs about kites when the time comes. We will also have the chance to learn how to make kites from folk artists. Besides, a competition for kite flying will be held. I’m sure we’ll develop our awareness of traditional culture and practical ability during this activity.

If you are interested in it, please let me know. Hope to meet at the Campus Culture Festival.


Li Hua


My Experience in the Park

Last weekend my classmates and I went to a nearby park for relaxation.

As we entered the park, we found so many tourists enjoying the beauty of spring. Some were taking photos of colorful flowers. Some were sitting comfortably in the sun chatting. When we came to an arch bridge, we noticed a grandpa struggling to push a wheelchair onto the bridge. A grandma was sitting in it. Seeing this, my classmate and I rushed forward to give them a hand. Two of us tried hard to push the wheelchair, while another classmate walked across the bridge with the grandpa. The elderly couple were very grateful and spoke highly of us. Some tourists standing nearby also praised us with their thumbs up.

We enjoyed the natural beauty of spring today, and most importantly, we were happy that we could be of help to others.

There be句型练习题 5


1、 桌子上有一本书和两支钢笔。

There _____ a book and two pens on the desk.

2、 钱包里有些钱。There ____ some money in the picture.

3、 在吉姆的书包里有一些卡片。____ _____ some cards in Jim’s bag.

4、 里面还有其他的东西吗?_____ _____ anything else in it?

5、 我们学校有许多班。There _____ many _________ in our school.

6、 树上没有鸟。There _____ ______ birds in the tree.

7、 树上有很多苹果。______ ______ _______apples ______the tree.


1、 Are there any maps on the wall? ___

A. There are some. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there is one. D. No, there are.

2、 How many ____ are there in the picture?

A. woman B. women C. boy D. milk

3、 There aren’t __ trees near the house. There is only one.

A. any B. some C. many D. much

4.There ____ two bowls of rice on the table.

A. is B. have C. has D. are

5.Are there ___ houses near the river? Yes, there are____ 。

A. some, some B. any, some C. any, any D. some, any


1.There is a woman near the house.(变复数)_____________________________________

2、 There are some buses near the hill.(变单数)_______________________________________

3、 There are some apples in the tree(变一般问句)_____________________________

4、 There are some oranges in the glass.(变否定句)___________________________________

5、 Is there a baby in the room?(变复数)___________________________________________

6、 There are many beautiful flowers in the garden. (就划线部分提问)

______ ______ in the garden?

7.There _____ _____ milk in the glass.

8.There is no book on the floor. (同意句转换)

There _____ _____ book on the floor.

9.There are no pens in the pencil-case. (同意句转换)

There ______ ______pens in the pencil-case.

10.A week has seven days. (同意句转换)

______ ______ seven days ______a week.

11.There are some books on my shelves. (同意句转换)

______ ______ some books ______ the shelves.

武汉市中考英语试卷答案: 6

单选:26-30BBDCB 31-35DBCAC 36-40CBACD



nervous, compare, spend , grew up, worried,

填词: always, returning, honest, brushes,

corner, nice, polite, collected, dear, manage

长难句解析 7





2017年重庆高考英语试卷 8

第一部分 听力理解(共三节,30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


例:What is the man going to read?

A. A newspaper.

B. A magazine.

C. A book.


1、 What is the woman wearing to the party?

A. A dress. B. Shorts. C. Jeans.

2、 What will the woman eat with her coffee?

A. A slice of cake. B. Some biscuits. C. Some chocolate.

3、 Where are the two speakers?

A. On the street. B. At the airport. C. At the railway station.

4、 What will the man do this afternoon?

A. Play football. B. Play tennis. C. Play computer games.

5、 How will the man go to school tomorrow?

A. By car. B. By bus. C. By bike.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6、 What did the man want to do?

A. Post a letter. B. Join the library. C. Check identification.

7、 What did the man provide at last?

A. His passport. B. His bankbook. C. His driving licence.


8、 What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife. B. Boss and secretary. C. Teacher and student.

9、 Who will try to solve the problem?

A. The speakers themselves. B. A friend of the speakers. C. The electricity company.


10、 Which motorway will stay closed?

A. M7. B. M16. C. M43.

11、 Why can’t drivers use Green Street?

A. Because of an accident.

B. Because of traffic jams there.

C. Because of the problem with the road.

12、 What is the weather like this afternoon?

A. Snowy. B. Sunny. C. Windy.


13、 What should the man do first for his research project?

A. Focus his question. B. Do a lot of reading. C. Choose key arguments.

14、 What is the man’s main problem?

A. He doesn’t analyze the material.

B. He doesn’t narrow the topic down.

C. He doesn’t keep a note of different ideas.

15、 What are the two speakers talking about?

A. The importance of choosing a topic.

B. The process of doing a research project.

C. The difficulty in arranging different ideas.



Trip to Langton Castle


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)


例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. , we last met more than thirty years ago.

A. What’s more B. That’s to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not

21、 She had liked detective novels at first, soon lost interest.

A. for B. so C. or D. but

22、 ---When shall I come to see you, in the morning or afternoon?

--- 。 I’ll be at home all day.

A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None

23、 I didn’t get in touch with David yesterday, since he a meeting when I called.

A. chaired B. was chairing C. had chaired D. would chair

24、 Going camping in the desert will not be enjoyable you have prepared thoroughly.

A. because B. when C. unless D. until

25、 I got the kids to clean the house this morning, made a great break for me.

A. that B. when C. unless D. until

26、 If you have a cigarette, choose a seat in the first row of the smoking section.

A. should B. must C. might D. would

27、 The shocking news made us realize terrible problems we would face.

A. why B. how C. what D. that

28、 You should answer the questions the information on your card.

A. used B. using C. to use D. being used

29、 ---Is Mr. Lewis still here?

---No, he here for about an hour and then left.

A. is B. was C. has been D. would be

30、 Last month we spent so much to have the roof , for it always leaked when it rained.

A. replaced B. replacing C. to replace D. being replaced

31、 My job is very enjoyable. That is I spend a great deal of time and patience.

A. what B. how C. when D. why

32、 ---Any predictions for the election?

---Well, James is thought a sure winner.

A. to be B. to have been C. being D. having been

33、 Management has decided that workers all changes well in advance.

A. will inform of B. have informed of

C. will be informed of D. have been informed of

34、 It will come out she has donated quite a lot of money to cancer research.

A. that B. what C. which D. when

35、 ---Did you enjoy your trip?

---Yes. But for your advice, we our stay in London half as much.

A. didn’t enjoy B. hadn’t enjoyed

C. wouldn’t enjoy D. wouldn’t have enjoyed

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


An Effective Commercial

I have to admit that I rarely watch commercials, since most of them are boring and stupid. When watching commercials, we are “learning” that consumption makes us happy and that we need to buy everything. This really makes me 36 。 So when I watch commercials I usually start thinking of other things, and don’t hear a 37 。 Recently, however, a commercial for a major retail (零售) store got my 38 。 It gave me a deep impression, and 39 me of the best things about Christmas.

A young lady is talking over the phone to her family right before Christmas. She is obviously living away from her family and 40 them. She is upset because she won’t be with them for the holidays. I believe she is talking to her mother, who asks her if she has received the 41 that were sent to her. The young lady 42 that she hasn’t, and the mother expresses 43 that they should have arrived by now. The mother suggests that she 44 the doorstep. At this point, the young lady opens her front door, and 45 there is her family on the doorstep. They have come to 46 the Christmas with her.

This is where I got 47 。 What a surprise! This has happened to me, but I can 48 how wonderful it would be. The holidays are a good time to 49 connections and renew relationships among family members. People can communicate with each other and 50 a sense of belonging. So once again I am reminded that the best Christmas gifts are not the ones you buy in the retail store. They are gifts of 51 , family and time spent together happily.

Commercials can 52 the audience if they are made effectively. What makes a commercial 53 is human interest, and usually there are some common 54 。 A good commercial for me is when I can forget it is a commercial for something I have to buy and instead 55 it with an experience in my own life or the lives of others. It can make me think and pass on a few of those thoughts to other people.

36、 A. relaxed B. annoyed C. nervous D. curious

37、 A. view B. story C. noise D. word

38、 A. attention B. way C. idea D. trouble

39、 A. warned B. informed C. reminded D. cured

40、 A. missing B. supporting C. comforting D. inviting

41、 A. materials B. repots C. messages D. presents

42、 A. argues B. responds C. mentions D. proves

43、 A. sympathy B. sorrow C. concern D. desire

44、 A. check B. follow C. pass D. clear

45、 A. practically B. fortunately C. successfully D. surprisingly

46、 A. arrange B. celebrate C. occupy D. approach

47、 A. improved B. confused C. affected D. stressed

48、 A. imagine B. approve C. remember D. promise

49、 A. suggest B. confirm C. identify D. strengthen

50、 A. accept B. share C. admit D. judge

51、 A. pride B. honor C. love D. respect

52、 A. move B. control C. protect D. encourage

53、 A. helpful B. memorable C. believable D. relevant

54、 A. symptoms B. conditions C. origins D. themes

55、 A. promote B. update C. associate D. discover





Dear Mr. Hill,

We are appreciative of your interest in our products. If you visit our website, you’ll see many favorable product reviews. I’ve attached our company catalogue showing our entire line of products.

We designed the Top Everest line to be most elegant luggage you can find anywhere in the world. Some customers want the luggage to be as neatly-fitted and lightweight as possible, so we asked our designers to do just that. You cannot find a more neatly-fitted and lightweight luggage than ours.

In addition, most of our customers want the luggage to be the toughest and most long-lasting, so we chose the toughest and most long-lasting materials for the Top Everest line and subjected our first products to the most severe tests. We had them run over by steamrollers(压路机)。 We also had trucks run over them. Only a few products survived these tests. We recovered only those that survived the tests, finalized their design, and put them into production. You can count on our products. If you want to purchase our products in a large quantity, we will give you a 10% discount. I am sure your store will make more profits than ever. On April 6 I need to go on a business trip in Texas. I can drop by your store to meet with you and discuss our products in detail.

If we can be of further service, or if you need to get more information, please call us at 356-589-6987 at any time. We value your business and want to help any way we can.

Robin Carter

Top Everest

56、 What is an advantage of the luggage?

A. It is heavy. B. It is tough.

C. It is big enough. D. It is easy to use.

57、 How can Mr. Hill receive a price reduction?

A. He should order before April 6.

B. He should place an order online.

C. He should visit Mr. Carter’s office personally.

D. He should buy a large number of the products.

58、 Why does Mr. Carter write the letter?

A. To reply to Mr. Hill’s questions.

B. To promote sales of his products.

C. To make sure he will meet Mr. Hill.

D. To give a description about the luggage.


Envelope Budget

From McDonald’s to Sonic, fast food had a bad effect on my waistline and my budget. It was nothing to run to a drive-through to pick up a cold drink or a quick bite to eat. It was so easy to use my card for a small purchase. For me, I got a lot of satisfaction from fast food.

One day I sat down and calculated that I was spending a surprising $40 a week on fast food. This was a lot of iced coffee and hamburgers! Instead of reducing my guilty pleasures, I decided to give myself a strong budget to reduce my consumption. Every Monday I placed an envelope with $20 in my purse. That was my fast food budget for the entire week. If there was anything left over at the end of the week, it was mine to save or spend. If I spent all of the money during the week, there were no more fast food stops that week.

The budget made me more mindful of my purchases. Instead of purchasing a large drink from Sonic. I would purchase a small. It was still satisfying but not nearly as pricey. Instead of eating a whole meal, I would pick the part that I actually wanted. Many days, the thought of hanging onto the money for a special purpose meant more to me than the instant satisfaction of fast food. I never really felt unhappy because it was a conscious choice to spend or save with each purchase.

Envelope budget kept me honest. I had a clear idea how much money was spent each week on fast food purchases. I started to bring my lunches more often to save more money for the week. It was a fun challenge to see how much I could save every week.

Changing the way I spent on fast food not only helped my budget, but improved my weight. In the first month I was able to get rid of 5 pounds by simply changing the way I approached spending on fast food. Now I am more likely to bring my lunch than to buy it. I am not upset, but empowered to make positive choices to improve my life.

59、 According to Paragraph 1, the author 。

A. had no time to cook for herself

B. was fond of fast food very much

C. lived with a small amount of money

D. got some benefits from using her card

60、 The author set her envelope budget to 。

A. buy fast food at a good bargain

B. save money to buy more fast food

C. make fast food spending under control

D. get rid of the habit of eating fast food

61、 We can infer from the last paragraph that 。

A. envelope budget is good for health

B. the budget means a pressure on life

C. it is unusual to make some changes

D. it is hard to enjoy a healthy lifestyle

62、 What is the passage mainly about?

A. Why the author became addicted to fast food.

B. Why the author took envelope budget seriously.

C. How fast food controlled the author’s behavior.

D. How envelope budget changed the author’s life.


The British love word-play and they’re enthusiastic about defending the use of their language. In recent years, books about the grammar, pronunciation and punctuation(标点)of English have been written by the dozen, and sold extremely well, reflecting people’s love of the English language. People want to defend the “correct” use of their language, but also to preserve its ability to evolve along with society. Lynne Truss’s book Eats, Shoots & Leaves is an excellent example of these two opposite ideas. Its title shows the way that punctuation can change meaning in a sentence. “Eats shoots and leaves” is a perfectly normal description of a panda’s diet: he eats the shoots and leaves of bamboo trees. But the position of the comma(逗号) turns those nouns into verbs, and makes up a ridiculous little story: the panda eats (his dinner), he shoots (a gun), and he leaves (the building)。 It’s a silly joke, but it shows how changing something as simple as a comma can change the entire meaning of a sentence.

Published in 2003, Eats, Shoots & Leaves was an unexpectedly huge success. It is easy to assume the typical reader of this kind of book as the humorless type. However, the book has sold thousands and thousands of copies—it must be appealing to a wide range of people. The book’s winning secret is this: it makes some serious points about language and punctuation, but also has a light-hearted dimension, and uses stories and jokes to show its points. It has invited some tough criticism, too, especially from the US. On a broader range, Eats, Shoots & Leaves has opened up a lot of public debate on Truss’s ideas. Whether they agree with her or not, punctuation and grammar has become a popular topic to discuss.

In every generation there will be people who think that the standard of language is in decline, and who are more than happy to write to the newspapers to express their concern and opinions. Truss’s book also appeals to those who think that texting and blogging(博客) is lowering the standard of literacy. Whether the standard of the English language is decreasing, or simply evolving into new forms, the success of Eats, Shoots & Leaves proves that this is a subject that many English speakers find interesting and important.

63、 The title of the book Eat, Shoots & Leaves is a joke which shows 。

A. a funny feeling B. a trend in writing

C. a grammatical point D. a fact about animals

64、 The book has been successful because 。

A. it presents a new research on English

B. it solves a serious English language problem

C. it shows the British like to teach English to other people

D. it causes concern for proper use of language in a fun way

65、 What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The English language was better in the past.

B. The English language is being improved by technology.

C. There is often dissatisfaction with the standard of English.

D. There have always been debates on the use of punctuation.

66、 What is the best title for the passage?

A. The Difference a Comma Made

B. The Problem Punctuation Created

C. Proper Understanding of Silly Jokes

D. Public Debate about Language Standards


Role-Playing in Child Development

Playing is a key component in the learning process for virtually all of the children. There are various ways in which children play, but one of the most important is role-playing. This involves a child engaging in an activity during which he or she pretends to be another person.

Experts on child development believe that role-playing can increase the connections in children’s brains that help them learn. Language skills are some of the most important aspects of learning. When children role-play, they must work out steps that need to be taken to complete a task, and create plans to act out a story. These activities enable children to develop their oral language skills. They become able to organize others and to give directions.

Children’s social skills can also be developed. When engaged in group activities, children have different roles. Some are leaders while others are followers. At times, the children will disagree, so they must learn to negotiate and compromise with one another, and they must learn to apologize when they have strong arguments or disagreements as well. Children further learn about cooperation and sharing and, hopefully, begin to understand things from another person’s point of view.

Besides helping children learn some kinds of skills, role-playing fosters children’s imaginations and can therefore assume a number of forms. For example, boys may pretend to shave like their fathers or perform various tasks around their homes. Girls, meanwhile, often pretend to be mothers to do some daily tasks, particularly if it involves caring for young babies. Sometimes children may imagine belonging to a group of superheroes or imitate(模仿)real-life situations. They might dress up and assume different roles. Another example is the performing of stories they read in books, which is also very common when they role-play.

Another beneficial aspect of role-playing is that it can help children deal with certain actions that may cause them emotional(情感的) pain, such as the fear they face when going to school for the first time or making a visit to the doctor. If children role-play situations like these beforehand, the first that they experience when doing these actions in reality frequently lessons. For this reason, experts encourage parents to allow their children to role-play and even to take part in these activities to help their children master their fears.

Role-playing can benefit children in many ways. There is no activity for which young children are better prepared than fantasy play. Nothing is more dependable and risk-free, and the dangers are only pretend.

67、 From the author’s description in Paragraph 4, we learn that children often 。

A. involve daily-life activities in groups

B. act out the activities that their parents do

C. perform daily tasks instead of their parents

D. change real-life situation when role-playing

68、 The author believes that role-playing may help children 。

A. develop a better awareness of grammar

B. receive benefits from their emotional pain

C. improve creativity by using their imaginations

D. understand how to be both leaders and followers

69、 The underlined word “master” in Paragraph 5 probably means 。

A. ignore B. confirm C. overcome D. predict

70、 Which of the following shows the organization of the passage?

I: Introduction P:Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: Conclusion



The Tower and the Glory

A large man jumps onto my shoulders. He is quickly followed by another slightly smaller man who catches my belt and moves up. Another follows. Then I begin to move slowly from on side to another dangerously.

A castell is a human tower built traditionally in festivals in Spain. The activity of making human towers began almost 200 years ago near Tarragona, just south of Barcelona. 71 It has become an annual event in some areas of the country. Usually it is considered a success once all castellers have climbed into their appointed places. On November 16, 2010, castells were declared to be one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

72 It is a formation of several people in which two or more people support a level of higher people, who in turn may support other higher levels of people. Each person is wound into a long narrow piece of cloth worn around the waist to help other people hold tightly when they climb. Typically, the number of the people in each level is one greater than the level immediately above it, resulting in a triangular structure. 73

At first I’d like to go on top to enjoy the glory, but the club’s president indicated a little girl who looked as though she had been raised on the top. It was she who had pride of place on top of the tower. For my first try-out I was given the role of second hands. Once I had assumed my position, people began to climb up me to the tower without warning. 74 My hard work must have been appreciated because I was quickly promoted to support the bottoms of the first level of the tower.

My performance in the “hands” section was obviously satisfactory. 75 I was really proud of that, since it was a clear gesture that I had been fully accepted.

A. Building a good human tower takes team work and skills.

B. Within seconds I assisted in the formation of a three- level tower.

C. Each team is famous for its tallest and most complex tower of people.

D. Once a tower is built, try and see if the group can hold it for a count of 30.

E. Since then it’s been popular, with groups competing to build higher structures.

F. Before long I was called forward and given the great honor of the President’s Belt.

G. I hoped to change my position because I knew that this activity required particular skills.

第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 (15分)

假设你是红星中学高三(1)班学生李华,你校将在下周五举办“校园文化节(Campus CultureFestival)”系列活动。请给你班留学生Jim写封邮件,邀请他参加。邮件的内容包括:

1、 介绍你选择的活动内容;

2、 说明参加该活动的理由;





Dear Jim,





Li Hua


假设你是红星中学高三(1)班学生李华,上周末你和同学到公园游览。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,以“My Experience in the Park”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件,介绍游园过程中发生的一件事。


提示词:拱桥arch bridge

My Experience in the Park

答案与详解 9


1、 D 细节题。意为“那些比较富裕的生意人或有一定的职业的人”。见第一段的倒数第二句:中产阶级主要包括富裕的生意人和有一定的职业的人。所以正确答案应该是 D。

2、 C 细节题。意为“口音”。见第二段的第一句:他们之间最明显的区别是他们的口音。所以正确答案应该是 C。

3、 A 推断题。意为“因为它听起来太过谦卑,很可能会引起尴尬”。见文章的最后两句:谦卑会引起尴尬和不悦。甚至像“先生”这样的词,除了在特定的职业中(如商业、军队)外,也不太常用,因为它听起来太过谦卑。所以正确答案应该是 A。

4、 C 细节题。A选项前半是对的。上流社会人数很少,后半是错的,媒体还在关注他们,注意一定要看清楚再选。B选项相关内容在文末。D没有提到。B在第一段中间出现,是正确答案。

5、 B 细节题。意为“来自工人阶级家庭的学生不能接受大学教育”。见第三段第二句的前半句:来自工人阶级家庭的学生接受大学教育并且某种职业的情况已十分普遍。所以选项 B的答案与文章不相符,是正确答案。