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英语教案-Unit 1

高一必修1 英语教案

unit 2 english around the world (reading)

unit 2 english around the world

reading  the road to modern english

period 1: a sample lesson plan for reading

(the road to modern english)


to talk about varieties of english

to read about the history of english language


i. warming up

1. warming up by answering a questionnaire

1). tell the students they are going to answer a questionnaire about why they are learning english.

2). write the words: reasons for learning a foreign language on the center of the board:

3). ask the students to suggest as many reasons as they can think of, for example, for work, as a hobby, to learn about other people, to travel, to read literature in the original, to read research papers, to meet foreigners, to surf the internet, to pass exams, etc. write their suggestions on the board as they make them.

4). divide the class into pairs.

5). give out each student one questionnaire paper.

6). explain the task. the students must question each other about their language learning needs (or motivations). tell them that you are going to take in the questionnaires at the end, and that you’d like them to make clear notes. it works better if the two partners swap tasks (questions and answers) after each section of the questionnaire. if they wait till the end to swap, one student may use up all the time available.

7). when the task is finished, ask a couple of students to summarize their partners’ answers. (this may develop into a class discussion about language needs).

8). the students write five sentences on their feeling about learning english.

9). collect the questionnaires.

needs analysis questionnaire



present use: situations and skills

reading (faxes, letters & reports)

listening & speaking (telephoning, meetings, negotiations, public speaking, socializing)

writing (faxes, letters & reports)

future use: expectations & ambitions

2. further applying

to get the students thinking about the topic of the reading passage.

1). have a student list on the board all the english-speaking countries in the world that they can think of.

2). give the students hints about the places they haven’t mentioned.

3). provide the students with an opportunity to think about the reasons for the spread of english around the world.

★ english is one of the official languages of the olympic games and the united nations.

★ english dominates international websites and provides nearly all of the new computer terminology.

★ tourism and trade from western europe and north america has contributed to the spread of english.

★ satellite tv, radio programs like joy fm, cds and, of course, hollywood films all broadcast english into china. also, a number of chinese films include english subtitles.

ii. reading

1. skimming

read quickly to get the main idea of the text.

let the students find out key sentence of each paragraph or ask them to summarize the main point for each paragraph in their own words.

paragraph 1: the spread of the english language in the world

paragraph 2: native speaker can understand each other but they may not be able to understand everything.

paragraph 3: all languages change when cultures communicate with one another.

paragraph 4: english is spoken as a foreign language or second language in africa and asia.

2. scanning

read to locate particular information and complete the comprehending exercise one.

3. following up

work in groups. discuss the two questions and then ask two groups to report their answers to the class.

1). do you think it matters what kind of english you learn? why?

possible answer:

i don’t think so. here are the reasons:

★ native speakers from different parts of the world have no difficulty in understanding each other despite the fact that they speak a bit differently.

★ it is necessary for us to learn the narrow difference between different kinds of english if we hope to communicate fluently with native speakers of english from all over the world.

★ different kinds of english have the same language core. if you have got a good command of one kind, you will almost have no difficulty understanding another kind of english.

(any persuasive and supporting reason the students give can be accepted.)

1) why do you think people all over the world want to learn english?

possible answer:

the reasons why people all over the world want to learn english:

★ with economy globalization, english has become the best bridge to serve the purpose of people all over the world communicating with one another.

★ however, like all major languages in the world, english is always changing. in order to adjust to native speakers from different parts of the world, it is a must for people all over the world to learn english, whether in english speaking countries or in non-english speaking countries.

★ also, people from different parts of the world speak english with various accent and dialects, and people have to learn about the difference between different kinds of english in order to avoid misunderstanding while communicating.

(all persuasive reasons can be accepted.)

4. language focus:

1) even if=even though: in spite of the fact; no matter whether: he likes to help us even if he is very busy.

2) communicate with: exchange information or conversation with other people: he learnt to use body language to communicate with deaf customers.

3) actually=in fact: used when you are adding new information to what you have just said: we’ve known for years. actually, since we were babies.

4) be based on…:

5) make use of: use sth. available

6) only time will tell: to say that something can only be known in the future: will china’s national football team enter for the next finals of the world cup? only time will tell.

language chunks from unit 2 english around the world

be different from, pay a role(part) in, because of, either …or…, in/on a team, the number of/a number of, than ever before, even if, comp up to, over time, communicate with, be based on, make use of, have one’s own identity, such as, only time can tell, native speaker, as well as, solve a problem, believe it or not, no such a…, all over the world, at the top(bottom) of, pen friends, to this day, sum up, pardon?, beg your pardon, go abroad, be used for, more of a …, encourage sb. to do sth., work on, feel like sth., from time to time, english-speaking countries, from one…to another, do business, on the air, would like sb. to do, make notes, fight against, keep…a secret, even though, save time(money), a form of…

period 2: a sample lesson plan for learning about language

(indirect speech (ii) requests & commands)


to discover useful words and expressions

to discover useful structures


i. direct and indirect speech

direct speech indirect speech

simple present

he said, “i go to school every day.” simple past

he said (that) he went to school every day.

simple past

he said, “i went to school every day.” past perfect

he said (that) he had gone to school every day.

present perfect

he said, “i have gone to school every day.” past perfect

he said (that) he had gone to school every day.

present progressive

he said, “i am going to school every day.” past progressive

he said (that) he was going to school every day.

past progressive

he said, “i was going to school every day.” perfect progressive

he said (that) he had been going to school every day,

future (will)

he said, “i will go to school every day.” would + verb name

he said (that) he would go to school every day.

future (going to)

he said, “i am going to school every day.” present progressive

he said (that) he is going to school every day.

past progressive

he said (that) he was going to school every day

direct speech indirect speech

auxiliary + verb name

he said, “do you go to school every day?”

he said, “where do you go to school?” simple past

he asked me if i went to school every day.*

he asked me where i went to school.


he said, “go to school every day.” infinitive

he said to go to school every day.

direct speech indirect speech

simple present + simple present

he says, “i go to school every day.” simple present + simple present

he says (that) he goes to school every day.

present perfect + simple present

he has said, “i go to school every day.” present perfect + simple present

he has said (that) he goes to school every day.

past progressive + simple past

he was saying, “i went to school every day.” past progressive + simple past

he was saying (that) he went to school every day.

past progressive + past perfect

he was saying (that) he had gone to school every day.

direct speech indirect speech


he said, “i can go to school every day.” could

he said (that) he could go to school every day.


he said, “i may go to school every day.” might

he said (that) he might go to school every day.


he said, “i might go to school every day.”


he said, “i must go to school every day.” had to

he said (that) he had to go to school every day.

have to

he said, “i have to go to school every day.”


he said, “i should go to school every day.” should

he said (that) he should go to school every day.

ought to

he said, “i ought to go to school every day.” ought to

he said (that) he ought to go to school every day.

ii. discovering useful words and expressions

1. work in pairs. do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4. then check the answer you’re your classmates. the teacher helps the students discover the difference in prepositions.

2. play the tape for the students to listen and ask them to mark the sentence stress and intonation. then practice reading in pairs.

(the teacher brings the students’ attention to the british and american words that are different but have the same meaning.)

iii. discovering useful structures

(making commands and requests using indirect speech)

1. in groups of four, think of at least three commands your teachers and parents usually give.

you may follow these steps.

1) choose one who is to give the first command.

2) ask another person in your group to tell somebo

小学一年级英语教案 2





2、初步理解句子“I like apples”。



难点:理解句型I like…









2、请学生将水果从布袋里拿出来,教师用英语逐一介绍“Apple,apple,It’s an apple.”








1、游戏:教师出示“banana”大单词字卡,说出句型“I like banana”,请拿到“banana”小单词卡的学生把字卡举起,并将其放入贴有”banana”小单词卡的篮子内。



师生同唱《Goodbye song 》。

汇报考察普通话考试教学模式 3


英语教案-Unit 4

Unit 2 English Around the World

Teaching aims and demands:

a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the language of English;

b. Learn to communicate when in language difficulties:

c. Vocabulary in this unit:

the words and expressions listed on the teacher’s book

d. Grammar:

Direct and indirect speech


Step 1 Presentation

Get the students have an general idea about the differences between American and British English by playing a tape of various people’s talking. Ask them what countries they think these people come from.

Step 2 Warming Up

Get the students to look at the picture and ask the questions: What do you think Joe is looking for in the bathroom? Why can’t he find it?

Step 3 Reading

Ask the students to read the dialogue carefully in part 1. Then get the students to think: What is it that causes the misunderstanding between Joe and the landlady, Nancy?  If necessary, explain some language points.

Step 4 Speaking

Ask the students to read the dialogue in the part SPEAKING to learn more differences between the British and American English. Then complete the following sentences as well.

Step 5 Practice

Ask the students to make a similar dialogue.

Step 6 Listening

Listen to the tape and fill the blanks in the part LISTENING.

Step 7 Homework

Finish exercise1 on page 91 in the TALKING part.


Step 1 Revision

Check the homework.

Step 2 Presentation

Show the students some pictures in different situations in order to get them know everywhere English is needed.

Step 3 Reading

Ask the students to read the text. And find the topic sentence in each paragraph.

Step 4 Post-Reading

Ask the students to answer the questions in the part POST-READING. If necessary, explain some language points. Then according to what they have read, get them to fill in the blanks in the following exerecise2.

Step 5 Homework

Finish exercise in the part PRACTISING in their workbooks..

Lesson 3

Step 1.Revision

Check the home work.

Step 2 Word Study

Ask the students to match the words on the left with their meaning on the right.

Step 3 Grammar

Ask the students to say something about the differences between a command and a request. Then tell which is a command and which is a request.

Step 4 Practice

Let the students to change the sentences into Direct Speech. And then finish exercise 3 in the same part.

Step 5 Workbook

If times permits, ask the students to finish the exercise2 in their workbooks in part Grammar.

Step 6 Homework

Review the last part what is Direct Speech and what is Indirect Speech.

Lesson 4

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework. by doing exercise 1 in part Grammar in the workbook..

Step 2 Presentation

Play a tape of various people’s talking. Ask which is from England and which from America. How do they tell? In this way draw the students’ attention to the difference on the pronunciation.

Step 3 Reading

Ask the students to read the text and be prepared for one question how come the difference between the American English and the British English. Explain some language points if necessary.

Ask the students to read the text again carefully and finish the exercise on page 13.

Step 4 Retelling

Ask the students to say something about the difference between the American English and the British English according to what they just learned.

Step 5 Specific Reading

Students read the paragraph about American English and fill in the chart on page 14.

Step 6 Homework

Ask the students to write a short passage about the dialects in Chinese. They can use the text as a simple.

小学英语教案 5

教学内容:新起点英语第一册 Unit3 Animals 第一课时


学生背景:一年级学生,学习英语近两个月了。能听懂简单的英语指令:Stand up. Sit down. 会用简单的英语进行问候:Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. How are you? 会用简单的英语进行自我介绍:Hello, I'm 。.。.


1、 取材学生感兴趣的内容,提高学生的学习兴趣


2、 改进课堂教学,提高语言的质与量

如今的英语教学要求发展学生的综合语言能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。因此我们倡导体验、参与、合作与文化交流的学习方式。如让学生根据自己的想法和喜好来编写小对话,在充分重视学生个人意见的基础上能够促进他们主动学习和积极的情感,另一方面也可以通过这个活动提高学生的语音朗读水平。又如在操练时,让四人小组自己编 chant 并进行表演,一方面可以让学生通过这个活动相互学习,对于那些学习能力弱的孩子也能在小组活动中得到其他同学的帮助和指导,并能让他们鼓足勇气来表达自己的情况,而其他同学也能通过这个活动提高交际能力和语言运用能力。



能够听、说、读单词 rabbit, duck,cat,chicken,dog,bird 并能用动作来表示这些小动物。

能进行简单的 Chant: Hello cat hello.


在日常生活中,能用英语 This is a 。.。. 介绍小动物。








Step 1. Greeting and warm-up.

1、 Greeting

Hello, boys and girls.

How are you?


2、 Sing a song.

“Hi, Vickey”

[这首歌是在一次上英语兴趣小组的时候发现的,学完之后学生很感兴趣,下课也在唱,所以拿� 歌词很简单,我又编了些动作。Hi, Vickey, Vickey,Vickey.(右手左右挥动)。How are you doing?(右手从胸前打开,手臂先弯曲再伸直。)。 I'm fine.(两只手先放胸前,在交叉打开。) Thanks. ( 右手放在左肩,弯腰。)]

3、 Free talk.

Good morning!

How are you?



4、 Listen and do.

Stand up.

Sit down.

Show me your pencil/book/eraser.

Touch your body/eyes/face/nose.


Step 2. Presentation.

Are you happy now?

Joy and Bill are happy, too.(幻灯出示 Joy 和 Bill 的照片)

Because, they are having a birthday party with animals.(幻灯上出现一个蛋糕)

Can you guess, who are they?

1、 一起唱“What's this? What's this? What's this? What? What? It's a cat. It's a cat. It's a cat, cat, cat.”[这首歌以前学过,而且 cat 也是一个学过的动物单词。]幻灯出示猫的图片,教师拿出事先做好的猫的头饰,说:“Hello! I'm a cat.”让学生戴上头饰边用英语说 Hello! I'm a cat.

2、 T: Listen, what's this? (It's a bird.)

Hello, I'm a bird.(戴上头饰)

3、 教 duck 和 dog 方法同上。

4、 教 rabbit 时先出示一根胡萝卜,再让小朋友猜这是什么动物。

5、 教 chicken 时先出现一小部分身体让他们猜。

Step 3. Drill and practice.

1、 图片出示小动物们聚在一起开 party, 伴有 Happy birthday 的音乐。突然传来了老虎的声音,一只老虎正缓缓走来。小动物们吓得缩成一团,这时,老虎开口说话了:“小朋友们,如果你们能说出这些小动物的名字,那我就放了它们。”

2、 Do and guess.



3、 Look and guess.


4、 Chant.

1)Listen to the tape.

Chant together. 同桌拍手打节奏。

2)四人小组合作编 chant.

以下几则是上课时学生自己所编的 chant:

(1)Good morning, cat.

Good morning, dog.


(2)What's your name?

I'm cat.

What's your name?

I'm rabbit.


(3)Cat, cat.

Touch your nose.

Dog, dog.

Touch your face.


Step 4. Short dialogue. (戴上头饰表演)

Rabbit: Hello, I'm a rabbit.

Dog: Hello, I'm a dog.

Rabbit: How are you?

Dog: I'm fine. Thanks.

How are you?

Rabbit: I'm fine. Thanks.

Dog: Goodbye.

Rabbit: Bye.


英语教案-Unit 6

period 1  (一) 明确目标

1. learn to express the student’s everyday life, especially their life on science study.

2. train the student’s listening ability.

3. improving the students speaking ability by debating with each other and describing.

4. study the language points connected with the dialogue.

(二) 整体感知  step 1 1. presentation

when you are talking about studying, almost all of you think that studying can only happen in the classroom, and it only means listening to the teachers’ explanation. but there can be many means to study. for example, studying in the lab, reading the books by yourself. now turn to page 22. and try to describe the four pictures listed in your text book. 2. after describing the pictures, let the students answer the following question.

(1) what are the names of the school subjects in which you study sciences?

(2) give an example of what you learn about for each field of science.

(3) what are the rules when you do the experiments in the lab?

(三) 教学过程 step 2  listen to the tape and try to answer the exercises. step 3  tell the differences between the rules they have talked about and the one listed in the tape. then get to know the important to keep safe in the lab. step 4  talk about the effect of the science of technology. let the students know the application of science and technology does good to our society , at the same time , it also harm to the human beings or the environment. step 5  practice in pairs to talk about some advantage and disadvantage of the scientific discoveries and applications listed in the book. step 6 ask some pairs of students to act their dialogue out before their classmates. step 7  deal with the language points.

(四) 总结扩展 step 8  make a conclusion of their performance. step 9  do the exercise in the workbook.

(五) 随堂练习用适当的介词填空

1. _____ my opinion, we should do it at once.

2. _____ the future, there are fewer animals in the world.

3. it is a waste _____ time to talk to him.

4. we should make good use _____ every opportunity we have.

5. it is necessary ___ children to sleep 9 hours a day.

6. it is silly ____ you to ask such a question.

7. it wise ____ you to take his advice.

8. i’ll travel ____ beijing ____ shanghai by air. 参考答案:

1. in 2. in 3. of 4. of 5. for 6. of 7. of 8. from ,to period 2


1. language knowledge: conduct change prove tear control doubt much too

2. language ability: improving the student’s reading ability, especially their kimming and scanning ability.

2. enable the students to know the serious attitude to science.

(二)整体感知 step 1 pre-reading

we all know that it is the scientists’ great effort that makes the great achievement on science. could you name some scientists’names? and what are they famous for? try to fill in the blanks of the following form, if you。can’t, ask your classmate to help you.

form: in the 18th & 19th centuries scientists all over the world made many important discoveries.

give some example.  /physics/medicine/chemistry/biology step 2:presentation

as we all know ,benjamin franklin is a famous politician.but today, we will read a passage about him as a scientist. his serious attitude to science .let’s see how franklin made his famous electricity experiment by flying a kite.

(三)教学过程 step 3

get the students read the test and then decide if the following statements are true (t) or false (f).

1.in 1752 scientists already knew what electricity is. (   )

2.franklin was helped by a friend to do the experiment.   (    )

3.franklin made the kite of silk because wet silk does not conduct electricity.     4.a condenser was used in the experiment to store electricity.

5.the key tied to the string was put into the door to stop he kite from flying away.

参考答案   1.t  2.f  3.f  4.t  5.f  step 4  read he passage and then find out the main idea.

paragraph 1 introduction of franklin’s experiment.

paragraph 2—3 the process of出e experiment.

paragraph 4—6 the tip of doing the experiment. step 5

deal with the language points. ask the students to pick out the useful expression from the text, give them more examples, and do some exercises to practice the language points.  step 6

play he tape for the students to listen and follow.


step 7

students make a conclusion of de process of franklin’s experiment and retell the tips of doing the experiment. step 8

do the exercises in the post-reading.


1.a great number of milk is produced in that factory every day.

2.paper is made of a certain in kind of grass.

3.this cloth is felt smooth.

4.use an umbrella to prevent you from the rain.

5.it is important of us to learn english.

参考答案 1.number改为deal 2.of改为from 3.is felt改为feels 4.prevent改为protect  5.of改为for

period 3

(一) 明确目标

1.language knowledge: know about some words that have different meanings.

2.language ability: learn one word formation—compounds.

3. moral teaching work with perseverance.

(二) 整体感知 step 1 presentation

after having learnt many words, we find that some words have more than one part or speech or a meaning. for example, bank can lean not only the ground near a river, but also the establishment for keeping money . it is one factor of words and we may find that if some words are combined, a new word come into being. today we’ll talk about these two phenomena.

(三) 教学过程 step 2 come to the word study, and finish the work.  step 3  let the students think more examples of words that have more than one meaning. then make a conclusion to help them to decide word meaning in a specific situation.  step 4  come to grammar, and finish to exercise.   step 5  talk about the word formation, especially compounds. and the noun compounds and adjective compounds.

(四)总结,扩展 step 6 let the students talk about some compound words then conclude the conditions.

(五)随堂练习辨别词义及词性 1.ache

(1) he has an ache in his chest.

(2) i am aching all over.  2.shock (1) the shock of the blast shattered many windows.

(2) i was shocked at the news of her death.

(3) the result of the election came as a shock to us all. 3.order

(1) get your ideas into some kind of order before beginning to write.

(2) he gave his order to the waiter. 4. lie

(1) our school lies in anqing.

(2) he tells a lie to his teacher. 5. like

(1) i like the one on the left.

(2) they are not twins, but they’re very michael jackson.

参考答案: 1. (1) n continuous and dull pain 疼痛

(2) v suffer from a continuous dull pain 持续地隐隐作痛

2. (1) n violent blow or shake 强烈的冲击或震动

(2) v cause to feel surprised 震惊

(3) n. sudden violent disturbance of the mind and emotions 震惊

3. (1) n. condition in which everything is carefully and neatly arranged 整齐

(2) request to make or supply 订购,订单

(3) command 命令 4. (1) exist, be 位于

(2)statement one knows to be untrue 谎言

一年级英语教案 7



1. 复习本课句型What do you like? I like…。及其表示食物和饮料的 单词。

2. 通过单元检测,检查学生对本课知识的。掌握情况。





1. Review

a. 用纸将单词卡片盖住,让生看不到画面。

b. 慢慢移开纸,让生猜是什么食物或饮料,并说出单词。训练学生 的反应能力。

c. 俩人一组进行练习。

d. 教师拿出一个球,说:” I like juice.” 将球抛出,问接到球的学生: ” What do you like?” 接到球的学生要回答:” I like…。”


a. 请学生按要求写好姓名和班级。

b. 在教师的引导下做听力练习。

c. 教师逐题进行讲解,并下去检查。 训练学生的听力和理解能力。

小学一年级英语教案 8


1. 能够运用已经学过的句型谈论五官、动物、或文具。

2. 说出并画出兔子喜欢吃的食物。

3. 完成B Let’s play部分。




1. 复习动物单词、形容词、及Do you like…?句型及其回答:Yes./No. I like…It has…

2. 教师播放录音,根据录音进行提问,检查学生听得是否正确。

如:T:1。确认学生对人物的认知程度:what can you see?

SS: bill, lily ……

Whst does Bill like?


3. 教师启发学生回答出Angel在干什么

What does the rabbit like?


4、 教师指导学生联线题:

下面老师要播放一录音,你们要根据听到的内容帮助小动物们找到自己的食物? 强调:要在老师播放录音后,再连。不能自己没听录音就动手。听老师话的同学老师要奖励。






4.在投影下核对答案,老师提示学生angel and rabbit


4. 完成B 项Pair work:


5. 故事教学:

1. 整体介绍故事内容:



2. 教师出示教学挂图,播放录音,让学生根据录音试着指出相应的图,鼓励能重复录音中句子的学生。

3. 教师重复播放录音,让学生在理解的基础上重复听到的句子。


4. 学生戴上头饰,分角色表演


5. 教师反复播放录音,让学生多听,边听边做动作,以增强对课文的理解和记忆。

Fun time的学习并不一定要求学生都掌握

5. Summary: homework : 带剪刀,A4 或B5 彩纸一张。

英语教案-Unit 9

Teaching Plan of Fun with English 3A

Unit 5  How are you?

(Period 1)

l             Teaching content:

Unit 5 How are you?

l             Teaching targets:

1. Aim of knowledge:

Pupils are able to read and speak out drills: How are you? Fine, thank you. And you?Not bad, thank you. Not so good. I’m sorry.

2. Aim of ability:

Pupils are able to inquire someone’s health.

3. Aim of emotion:

Pupils are interested in singing : Goodbye

l             Focal points:

Drills: How are you? Fine, thank you. And you?Not bad, thank you. Not so good. I’m sorry.

l             Difficult points:

Answer one’s inquiring according one’s own status.

l             Teaching aids:

Tape cassette, recorder

l             Teaching steps:

Step 1.  Singing

Sing a song: GoodbyeStep 2  Presentation

(T) Hello, boys and girls, how are you today?

(Ss) Fine, thank you. And you?

(T) Not bad, thank you.

(S1) Hello, Miss Yang. How are you?

(T) (pretend to catch a cold)

Not so good.

(T Ss) I’m sorry.

Step 3  Practice

(T) How are you today?

(S1) Fine, thank you. /Not bad, thank you. / Not so good.

Step 4  Listening& Reading

(Ss) Read after the tape , then read after the teacher

Read together

Design of writing

Unit 5 How are you?

How are you?

Fine, thank you./ Not bad, thank you. / Not so good.

Teaching Plan of Fun with English 3A

Unit 5  How are you?

(Period 2)

l             Teaching content:

Unit 5 How are you?

l             Teaching targets:

1. Aim of knowledge:

Pupils are able to read and speak out new words: pencils, pens, rulers, pencil boxes, ball pens, pencil sharpeners, rubbers, books

2. Aim of ability:

Pupils are able to get idea about plural forms.

3. Aim of emotion:

Pupils are interested in asking and answering about their own stationaries.

l             Focal points:

Words of plural forms: pencils, pens, rulers, pencil boxes, ball pens, pencil sharpeners, rubbers, books

l             Difficult points:

Correct pronunciation of plural forms.

Teaching aids:

Tape cassette, recorder, some pictures.

l             Teaching steps:

Step 1  Free talk:

How are you?

Fine, thank you. And you? Not bad, thank you. Not so good.

I’m sorry.

Step 2  Presentation

(T) ( Present a pen) What’s this?

( Present two pens) What are these?

( Read: pens)

(Same method as teaching : pencils, rulers, pencil boxes, ball pens, pencil sharpeners, rubbers, books)

Step 3  Practice

(Ss) Ask and answer about one’s stationary.

Step 4  A game

( Guess and say) ( Touch and say)

Step 6  Listen and circle

Design of Writing

Unit 5  How are you?

Teaching Plan of Fun with English 3A

Unit 5  How are you?

(Period 3)

l             Teaching content:

Unit 5 How are you? (period 3)

l             Teaching targets:

1. Aim of knowledge:

Revise words: pencils, pens, rulers, pencil boxes, ball pens, pencil sharpeners, rubbers, books and drills: How are you? Fine, thank you. And you?Not bad, thank you. Not so good. I’m sorry.

2. Aim of ability:

Pupils are able to get idea about plural forms.

3. Aim of emotion:

Pupils are interested in asking and answering about their own stationaries.

l             Focal points:

Exercises of Unit 5

l             Difficult points:

Correct pronunciation of plural forms.

l             Teaching aids:

Tape cassette, recorder, some stationary.

l             Teaching steps:

Step 1  Singing

Hello! How are you?

Step 2  Presentation

1.    Listen and respond

2. Listen and colour

3. Listen and draw

Step 3  Practice

(Ss) Ask and answer about stationary.

Step 4  A game

( Guess and say) ( Touch and say)

Step 5  Listen and circle


1. Read Unit 5.

2. Copy the letters.

教学后记:Not so good. 和Not bad有个别学生搞不清楚,容易混淆,在接下来的每日英语中要多加练习。

一年级英语教案 10


1. 能听懂并看懂本课内容,而且根据故事内容进行表演。

2. 根据录音,能够模仿其中的对话。

3. 能够基本正确的`说出9种水果和4中文具的名称。






1. 复习4种文具的名称

2. 复习动物名称

3. 复习水果名称

4. 说一说,monkey and cat分别喜欢吃什么

5. 教师讲解:Christmas and Merry Christmas

6. 整体了解故事内容:

1. 教师出示教学挂图,边说边表演

2. 学生根据挂图和表演,猜故事大意

3. 指导学生边看挂图边听录音

4. 引导学生根据录音指出相应的图画

5. 指导学生边听录音边做动作,并模仿对话

6. 反复看图,听录音,并重复录音中的对话,做出相应的动作

7. Group work:


一年级英语教案 11






























































小学一年级英语教案 12


复习有关衣物的单词。 复习本课句型:What’s this? It’s a …。 和What are they? They are …。 学习歌曲,并根据歌曲做动作。








1、 复习单词:Game: What’s missing? 培养学生的学习兴趣

2、 打开书第39页,观察图片后,老师指着晾衣绳上的衣服问: ”What’s this?”或 ”What are these?” 并让学生们做出相应回答。 而后,让学生拿出铅笔,将虚线连起来,看一看谁回答正确了, 最后将单词与图片正确连线并用水彩笔涂上自己喜欢的颜色。 (用已经学过的句子I like…练习。) 培养学生的观察能力和识词能力

3、 翻到书上第34页,让学生观察图片,同时想一想 ”How many children are in the picture?” ”Who are they?” ”What are they doing?” “What color are the clothes?”,而后请学生说一说。 培养学生的观察能力和说话能力

4、 请学生合上书,听第35页的有关内容,第一遍边听边重复,第二 遍听后举手重复,比赛谁举手最快,说对得一分。 培养学生的听力和竞争意识

5、 学习歌曲:

a. 首先完整地听一遍歌曲,让学生发现歌曲里面熟悉的词句。

b. 听第二遍歌曲时,老师边做动作边跟着录音唱,让学生跟着老师 做动作,进一步熟悉歌曲的旋律。

c. 学生尝试自己跟着录音唱,边唱边做动作。

d. 反复唱几遍,直到熟练。也可以分成小组,轮流表演,比一比哪

e. 一组最棒。培养学生的听力和表现力 The blackboard (板书设计)

小学一年级英语教案 13


1、 Structures

New: What shape is it?

It’s a (square)。

Review: What is this? It’s a (dog)。

2、 Vocabulary

New: a square, a circle, a triangle, a rectangle, a star, a heart

Review: a rabbit, a bird, a mouse, a lion, a tiger, a panda, a net, a nest


1、 第7单元单词卡片。

2、 本单元单词卡片:triangle, rectangle, square, circle, star, heart

3、 本单元挂图。

4、 剪刀、蜡笔和彩笔。


1、 Warm-up

(1) 教师说:“Stand up.”学生在教室里走动,伸展胳膊。

(2) 教师说:“Tiger.”学生模仿虎的动作和声音。

(3) 重复以上步骤依次复习第7单元学过的动物。学生继续在教室里走动 并模仿动物的动作。

(4) 教师说:“Sit down.”然后举起动物的卡片问:“What is it?”学生 回答:“It’s a (tiger)。”

(5) 用同样的步骤复习所有学过的动物的单词。

2、 Preview


(1) 举起方形的`卡片让学生看。指着卡片说:“It’s a square.”呈现单 词square, 至少示范两遍。让全体学生跟读,然后指着卡片引导单个 学生读。

(2) 重复以上步骤,呈现下列新单词:circle, triangle.

(3) 举起不同形状的卡片,先让全体学生然后让单个学生说出形状的名称。

3、 Presentation of new language



4、 Homework



英语教案-Unit 14

Unit 1 Good Friends

Teaching aims and demands:

a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic of  friends and friendship;

b. Learn to express likes and dislikes and make apologies:

c. Vocabulary in this unit:

the words and expressions listed on the teacher’s book

d. Grammar:

Direct and indirect speech

Lesson 1

Step 1 Presentation and discussion (warm-up)

Put some new words on the blackboard and tell them something about a friend.

Kind   honest   brave   loyal   happy   wise   strong 

beautiful   handsome   rich   smart   funny

Then ask some questions around the class and discuss with them.

What should a good friend be like?

What qualities should a good friend have?

Should they be funny, smart and strong?

Step 2 Reading

Ask the students to read the dialogue in the part SPEAKING. Ask some questions:

1.What doesn’t John like?

2.What does Joe think of music and skiing?

And then fill in the form on page 3.

Then ask the students to express their ideas freely. Encourage the students to say more about friends.

Step 3


Ask the students to listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in the listening part.

Step 4 Talking/Practice

Ask the students to page 85. Make a similar dialogue as in exercise 2.

Some useful expressions :

Why did you…?   Why didn’t you…?     You said that you would…

Please forgive me. You promised to …  I’m very sorry…  It won’t happen again. I forgot.

Step 5 Homework

Finish Exercise 3 in the workbook.


Step1 Revision

Ask several students to present a speech about friends as a revision.

Step 2 Pre-reading

Present the students a picture to illustrate the situation on a lonely island. Ask them to list three items in the box and ask them to give the reasons using the sentences listed on page3.

Step 3 Reading

Before asking the students to read the text, first give the students a brief introduction about Tom Hanks, his films and the film Cast Away.

Then students read the text, and answer the following questions.

1.How does Chuck Noland come to a deserted island?

2. In order to survive on the island alone, what does he need to learn?

3. What does he understand at last?

4. For us, what lesson we can learn from Chuck?

At the same time explain the language points if necessary.

Step 4 Post-reading

Discuss the following questions in the Part POST-READING.

Step 5 Homework

Prepare a talk about Tom Hanks or something about one of his film.


Step 1 Revision

Get the students to give a talk about Tom Hanks or something about one of his films.

Step 2 Language Study

Ask the students fill in the blanks with proper words.

Step 3 Grammar

Illustrate to the students the use of Direct and Indirect Speech.

Then ask the students to do the exercise in the Part Grammar on P5.

Step 4 Practice

Ask the students to act the exercise2 in the part Grammar out.

Step 5 Homework

Ask the students to finish the exercise2 in their workbook.


Step 1 Revision

Check the homework.

Step 2 Presentation

Present simples of e-mail to get the students a general idea of e-mail.

Step 3 Explanation

Tell the students some tips of writing an e-mail by learn the above e-mail simple.

Step 4 Writing

Ask the students to write an e-mail message.

Step 5 Homework

Ask the students to try to write an e-mail to their e-pal.

小学一年级英语教案 15


B. Let’s learn Let’s chant C. Let’s sing


a.能听、说、读、写动词词组:wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed and do the dishes.

b.能听、说、认读词组“put away the clothes” and sentence “ can you do housework? Yes, I can.”

c.能够说唱let’s chant, 巩固所学词组。




掌握四个四会动词词组,pay attention the pronunciation and spelling about the word “ clothes”。





Step1: Preparation

1、 Free talk:

T: Are you helpful at home? S:…

T: What can you do at home? S:…

2.Let’s chant.

chant in page 44

Step2: Presentation

1、 单词导呈。

a. chant结束时问,boys and girls, what can you do?

S1: I can …。。

T: Can you wash the clothes? Yes or no?

领读:clothes, wash the clothes. I can wash the clothes.

Look at the picture, this is a little boy, let’s ask him together, “ can you wash the clothes?” 多媒体呈现课件读音:Yes, I can. I can wash the clothes. 教师同时领读。

T: Boys and girls, can you wash the clothes? Ss: Yes, I can 。 I can wash the clothes. Talk in pairs.

b. Look at the picture, what can he do? Who can ask him? “what can you do?” “ do the dishes, I can do the dishes.”出示卡片、板书并领读。

c. T: I do, you say. Do the action, ( set the table)

T: Can you set the table? Ask the students.

Yes, I can , I can set the table. Set the table( 边说边做动作)ask your best friend, can you set the table? Ask me please! Ss: can you set the table, Miss Zhao.

d. I only tell one student, “Yes, I can. I can do the dishes, too.” (耳语) tell the sentences to you friend.

Yes, I can do the dishes, too. Can you do the dishes?

e. I can do many housework, I can wash the clothes, I can set the table, I can do the dishes, I can make the bed, too. Who can make the bed? S1: …… s2…。。s3…。。 I can make the bed.

Now, let’s play a game, ok? Listen and do?

I say, you do, for example. Wash the clothes.

T: wash the clothes, wash the clothes and do the dishes, wash the clothes, do the dishes and set the table, wash the clothes, do the dishes, set the table and make the bed, wash the clothes, do the dishes, set the table, make the bed, and put away the clothes,(教师做动作)

Put away the clothes.

All of these are housework, can you do housework?

Yes, I can , I can wash the clothes…。。 T: Great! You’re helpful.

2、 听读正音。老师播放Let’s learn 部分录音,学生看课本跟读,同时手指词组及句子。

3、 合作学习。同桌之间互相检查词组和句子的认读,互相帮助。

Step3: Practice

1、 I can do some housework too, can you guess, what can I do?

(出示转盘)将学生分成四组,you can …。。




5、 Let’s chant. 老师播放P7 Let’s chant 录音,学生先听。在跟读。可分组拍手对答吟唱。

Step4: Production

教师提出要求,请用上Can you…? 的句型采访本组的同学,并将结果记录在表格上。





Step5: Progress



1、 听录音,读Let’s learn 内容。


一年级英语教案 16


知识与技能:能熟练运用Do you like …?询问他人是否喜欢某物,并能根据喜爱与否正确使用Yes, I like…或No, I don’t like…来回答。

过程与方法:在一定的语言使用环境中,能用正确的语音语调说出Do you like…? Yes, I like…/No, I don’t like …这几句问答,并在其中正确说出meat, fish, chicken, rice, noodles, soup等食物类新授词汇



Do you like …?

Yes, I like…

No, I don’t like …




一、Warming up

1. 一边听有关“生日”的歌曲,一边看屏幕上映出 “吃晚餐”的图片。

2. 教师示范:I like cake. I like ice-cream.等句型,启发学生用I like …来说说自己在生日party上喜欢的食物。

两个同学一组,看到笑脸说I like …,看到哭脸说I don’t like…

3. 请六位同学分别手拿食物类的单词,但只给自己看见。另一位同学走到他们面前分别对他们说:I like meat.

如果手中不是meat的图片,就回答他I don’t like meat.直到找到拿着meat的同学,这位同学说:I like meat, too. I am your friend.

二、Learn new lesson

1. 教师先请五至六名学生介绍自己喜欢吃的食物和不喜欢吃的食物,用句型I like …和I don’t like…来介绍,其他学生记住他们分别爱吃什么。

2. 教师把刚才几名学生的顺序打乱,请其他同学根据自己的记忆来猜他们分别喜欢吃什么东西,教师可以启发他们用Do you like …?来进行询问,猜对了,就说Yes. 猜错了就说No.


学生看着多媒体猜老师喜欢吃什么食物,教师启发学生用Do you like …?来猜,猜对了教师就说Yes, I like…猜错了就说No, I don’t like…

4. 教师出示一张图片,问全班同学,Do you like…? 喜欢的同学举手并回答Yes, I like…,不喜欢的学生起立然后说No, I don’t like…,换其他图片多次练习。

根据图片,两人一组分别提问对方:Do you like…? 被问到者根据自己的喜好回答Yes, I like…/No, I don’t like

6. 教师创设一个野餐的情景,让学生根据刚才的`对话编一段新的对话,把以前学过的单词穿插其中练习。


三、Practice and consolidation




Unit8 Dinner

Do you like …?

Yes, I like…

No, I don’t like …

小学一年级英语教案 17


本课是《新标准英语》第二册第四模块第一单元,本模块主要是通过熊猫的身体器官来学习器官。但是要注意单复数的区别和使用。而对于一年级的学生而言,单复数已然是比较难和重要的语法项目了,同时也要区分these 和 this之间的区别和运用,能够正确使用本语法与单词。



知识目标:学习器官单词:nose, head, ear, eye, mouth, face.

句型:This is my… This is your…










I.Organization:1.Greeting 2.Chant

:1.Free talk 2.Review the words.


1.Listen and look.

2.Learn new words: head nose ear eye mouth face

3.Learn new drills: This is my head. This is your eye.

4.Say a chant: My head, my face, nose, nose, nose.

5.Play a game: Listen and point.

Point to your head/ your nose/ your mouth/ your ear/ your eye/ your face.

6.Practise in pairs.

7.Learn new dialogue

(1)Listen, point and say.

(2)Listen and repeat.

(3)Listen and say.

(4)Read the dialogue.

(5)Perform the dialogue.

1.A guessing game:This is your…

2.Listen and number

V. Homework: Listen and repeat.

班会王维 18


小学一年级英语教案 19


1、学会使用Is it...?来猜测事物,并能听懂会答Yes, it is./ No, it isn't.



如何调动学生的积极性去学并运用Is it...?,同时懂得如何回答;




2.What’s that? What’s that?

3.Pencil, Pencil, it’s a pencil.

4..然后学生和老师一起说韵句,把pencil替换成pen, ruler, book,bag...


今天我们要进行小组比赛,Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4.每张卡片上都是一张图片,看下哪一组能先揭开谜底。


T:What's this?

Ss: It's a dog.

T: Is it a dog?(引出新句型,Is it a....引导学生用Yes, it is./No, it isn't.来回答)

Ss:Yes, it is.(加上手势)

同样的方式操练cat, panda, bird.


T:What's that?


T:How to say it in English?


T:板书Fox.然后出示box 的'单词卡让学生对比。引导学生说出fox 的正确读音。Follow me. fox,fox,fox(举一反三)


T:What's this?


T:How to say it in English?


T:板书Monster.Follow ,monster, monster(举一反三)

Ⅲ Practise

T:Listen to tape carefully and answer the question.Daming和Sam为什么害怕了?那真的是一只怪兽吗?


T:Ok,Who can answer my question?You please.


T:Is it a monster?Yes or not?

Ss :No, it isn't.

T:If it is not a monster,what's that?


T:It's a kite.板书kite 风筝,follow me.


T:Now listen to the tape again and read after it. Are you ready?


T:We have a new word in this sentence.Look,What's the meaning?


T:Yes.Very good.看,板书look(大小声操练),我们之前有学了book这个单词,look和book,首字母不一样而已,有注意到吗?

T:Let's go on.


T:Help.What does it mean?


T::救命的意思。当我们遇到危险时,我们就可以大声喊help,help, after me.help


T:Listen to the tape once again.And read it.


Ⅳ Consolidation

T:Ok.We are going to play a game.我会把一件东西放在箱子里,让一个同学去触摸它,然后必须用Is it a...?句型来问下面的同学。我们只能用Yes, it is./No,it isn't.来回答。Is it clear?


T:Who wants to try?Ok,you please.


S1:Is it a ruler?

Ss:Yes,it is.(加上手势)

T:Wow.You all do a good let's see who is today's winner.G1 G2 G3 orG4.


T:同学们一起用Is ita...?的句型来猜一下这图片上是什么(图片是分别是dog,fox,monster,kite)?(猜猜其他组的图片是什么)

Ss:Is it a dog?

T:Yes,it is.(以此来进一步操练Is it a...?的句型)

T:Congratulation.G2 you are the 's homework.回答之后,熟读本课。 boys and girls.

小学英语教案 20




1、图片lion, night, nest, lock

2、写有大小写Ll, Mm, Nn的字母卡





训练学生听认字母能力: 教师先把所学过的大小写字母写在卡片上,按大小写把卡片分成两组贴在黑板上,然后把学生分成两组。游戏开始,每组的第一名学生上黑板前等候,教师说出一个字母,这两名学生就立即摘下教师所念的字母,放到讲台上,一人摘大写字母,另一人摘小写字母,摘得对而快的得2分,对而慢的得1分,不对的不得分,在教师念第一个字母时,各组的第二名学生应上前等候,在第一名学生摘完字母后,教师立即说另一个字母,游戏接着进行,最后得分多的组为优胜。



1、学习字母LL和单词lion, lock。



3)教师出示狮子的图片:Look! This is a lion.教读单词lion。

4)教师拿出一把钥匙,问学生:What‘s this?学生答出key后,教师接着问:钥匙和什么配套使用的?学生说出锁后,教师拿出一把锁说:This is a lock. 边说边用钥匙去开锁。教师教读单词lock。



7) 让学生说一说我们学过的单词中哪个是以字母Ll开头的?


2、 学习字母Mm,复习单词milk, mouse.

1) 教师出示单词卡,让学生认读单词milk, mouse.

2) 让学生从图片中找出milk和mouse的图片。

3)让学生观察这两个单词,问学生:Can you read the first letter?



3、学习字母Nn和单词night, nest。

1)教师出示图片:图上有一个太阳,一棵大树上有一个鸟窝。教师指着图片上的鸟窝说:Look! There’s a nest on the tree.The birds live in it.(因图片较小,学生看不清nest是什么,教师可以稍加解释)教读单词nest.

2)教师把一个月亮粘贴在图片中的太阳的位置,把太阳遮挡起来。教师告诉学生:It‘s night, now.并让学生根据图片解释night的意思。


4) 让学生说一说它们的第一个字母是哪个?


6) 教师在四线三格中书写字母大小写Nn。让学生仔细观察后,做书空练习。

4、让学生在活动手册上把所学字母Ll, Mm和Nn进行描红。教师在教室中巡视,及时给学生进行辅导。

5、教师播放B Let’s say部分的动画, 先让学生整体听看,再逐个跟读字母和单词; 也可请学生操作动画, 扮演教师请其他学生读单词和字母。

6、播放Let‘s do的动画,让学生跟着节奏一起吟唱,并作出相应的动作。

7、根据Let’s do部分的内容,教师报一个字母,如Jj,学生应立即说出:Jj, Jj, Jj, jump, jump, jump。每次打乱顺序来报字母,让学生听后边说边做。


● 游戏1:Bingo


● 游戏2:拼图说单词


● 游戏3:照我说的做,不要照我做的做

教师下指令,但故意做错误的动作,比如:Kk, Kk, Kk, kick, kick, kick, 但教师做jump, jump, jump的动作。学生要根据教师所下的指令来做动作,而不要简单地模仿教师的动作。凡是能正确做动作三次的即可得贴纸或红花奖励。



1、让学生两人一组,分别选一张大写的L , M 和N字母卡。



