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A trace of rain, a forest of, a Lonely, it can not be sad, endless peace。 Carrying breeze, listening to the cries of birds, grazing the hustle and bustle, let the heart awake, let eternal happiness 。。。。。。 like the sun, like flowers blossoming smile, like旧书不厌百回读,熟读精思子自知,下面是人美心善的小编帮家人们收集整理的3篇关于once的用法及解释,仅供借鉴,希望能够帮助到大家。

once的例句 篇1

1. It had once been the home of a wealthy nobleman.


2. We tend to meet up for lunch once a week.


3. He once told an interviewer that he didn't even like rock music.


4. Once wholesale prices are deregulated, consumer prices will also rise.


5. He took off at once and headed back to the motel.


6. The car passed over the body twice, once backward and then forward.


once的用法 篇2


1. 用作副词,表示“一次”,是频度状语,通常放在句末,有时也放在句首。如:

I’ll help you once but then you must do it by yourself. 我只帮你一次,但以后你就得自己做了。

Once he made bold to ask her to accompany him to a party. 有一次他鼓起勇气要求她陪他去参加一个晚会。

表示“曾经”“一度”,是表示不确定时间的副词,通常放在行为动词之前,特殊动词(助动词、情态动词、动词 be)之后,有时也可放在句首。如:

Once there stood an old church on the hill. 山丘上曾经有一座古教堂。

This novel was once very popular but nobody reads it today. 这本小说曾经很受欢迎,但现在没有人读了。

表示“一次”的once还经常与 a, every 等连用。如:

This magazine comes out once a week. 这份杂志每周出一次。

The earth turns on its axis once every 24 hours. 地球每24小时自转一圈。

2. 用作连词,引导时间状语从句,注意从句要用现在时表示将来意义。如:

Once you let him start talking, there was no stopping him. 一旦让他开始讲话,就没法止住他。

Once you have learned Spanish, you will find Italian easy. 一旦你学会西班牙语,你会觉得意大利语容易。

所引导从句的主语若与主句主语一致,有时也可用其省略结构,被省略部分通常(并不总是)包括有动词 be。如:

Once (it is) printed, the book will be very popular. 一旦出版,这本书会大受欢迎。

Once having made a promise, you should keep it. 你一旦许下诺言,就该遵守。

Once (he was) in the examination hall, he forgot about all this. 他一进考场,这一切他都忘了。

3. 比较 at once 与 all at once:前者表示“马上”,后者表示“突然”。如:

If you don’t start at once you’ll be late. 除非你立即动身,否则你就会迟到。

All at once, we heard a loud noise. 猛然间我们听到了一声巨响。


I can’t do two things at once. 我不能同时做两件事。

Everybody started sp(★)eaking all at once. 大家同时开始说起来。

once的相关解释 篇3

adv. 一次,一趟;一倍;曾经;一旦

conj. 一旦…就…;一经;

n. 一次,一回;