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退税相关英语表达 篇1

退税凭单 debenture; customs declaration;

退税让利 cut back taxes and profits;

退税制度 drawback system

退税的英语例句 篇2

1. The committee voted to limit tax refunds for corporations involved in leveraged buyouts.


2. There are an estimated eight million people currently thought to be eligible to reclaim income tax.


3. May I have the form for tax refund?

能给我张退税表 吗 ?

4. He may apply for tax refund when overpayment is confirmed upon examination.


5. Please fill out " Application form on Tax Refund of the Wuxi Local Tax Bureau ".

请填写《无锡市地方税务局退税申请书 》.

6. The documents which you have entitle you to drawback for duties paid.


7. Export - targeted tax rebates that were repealed last year will be resumed.


8. So you may end up getting a $ 5 , 000 tax credit.


9. When in China, apply for tax rebate at designated ICBC business office.

回国后, 您可到我行指定网点办理消费退税。

10. This year Council decided to reform the current export tax rebate mechanism.


11. A customhouse certificate providing for the payment of a drawback.


12. Export refund on domestic business card printing and membership card - making industry.


13. China is also expanding credit lines and tax rebates for exporters.


14. Exit already drawback goods go back, what tax to affect?

出口已退税货物退回, 影响哪些税?

15. Question : garment export tax rebate rate may be transferred at the 17 % do?


兑换货币 篇3

1. Will you please cash this check? 请把这张支票兑换成现金好吗?

2. Can I change some Euros into US dollars,please? 请问,我能把欧元换成美元吗? 3. Can you tell me the current rate for US dollars? 你能告诉我美元的现金汇率吗?

4. Today’s rate for cash purchase is 1 US dollar for 1.6 Australian dollars. 今天的现金汇率是1美元兑换1.6澳元。

退税的英语说法 篇4


2.Tax rebate

3.tax reimbursement