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寻找关于巧克力的英语 篇1

There are many foods in the food. Chocolate is my favorite food because it always brings me sweet taste. It makes me feel very sweet.

Its taste is pure chocolate and milk chocolate. The difference between the two is that the fat of dark chocolate is less than that of milk chocolate (dark chocolate contains grams of fat per gram). Milk chocolate and dark chocolate contain less than micrograms of salt Tangkeke really eats chocolate.

We are just like dark chocolate. Some chocolate gourmets have special parties to taste different names of chocolate, such as coffee, just like the name of wine. According to the different origins and development methods of cocoa beans, there are many famous varieties of dark chocolate.

It is very good for people to eat chocolate every day. So my favorite food is chocolate.



寻找关于巧克力的英语 篇2

Many chocolate producers have created products from chocolate bars to fudges, hoping to attract more consumers with each creation. Both Hershey and Mars have become the world's largest manufacturers, but other companies have tried some major examples, including Nestle and Linde. Hershey is the largest chocolate manufacturer in North America, headquartered in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

This small town is sometimes filled with the fragrance of cocoa. It is also the home of Hershey's chocolate world. It was founded by Hershey of Milton in.

Hershey Chocolate is a subsidiary of Lancaster Caramel company. Hershey's candy and other products are sold to the world All over the world. Hershey is famous for its three products: Hershey bar, Hershey's kiss and Reese's peanut butter cup.

The company is a global confectionery and other food manufacturer, headquartered in McLean, Virginia, USA, with annual sales of US $100 million. The company is fully owned by the Mars family. It is one of the largest private companies in the United States, with its namesake Mars Bar, as well as other candies such as galaxy, M & M's, Twix, skittles and SNI ckershttp://enwikipediaorg/wiki/Chocolate.



好时公司之所以成名,主要是因为它的三个产品:好时酒吧、好时的吻和里斯的花生酱杯,公司是一家全球糖果和其他食品制造商,总部位于美国弗吉尼亚州麦克莱恩,年销售额达亿美元,公司完全由马尔斯家族所有,是美国最大的私营公司之一,以其同名的Mars Bar而闻名,以及其他糖果,如银河,M&M's,Twix,Skittles和Snickershttp://enwikipediaorg/wiki/Chocolate。

寻找关于巧克力的英语 篇3

Milk chocolate can boost brain power. Ben Donald of Maple Grove, ., took a bite of chocolate marshmallow at the annual chocolate show. Chocolate lovers are delighted by a new study suggesting that eating milk chocolate can enhance brain function.

"Chocolate contains many substances, such as theobromine, phenethylamine, and caffeine," West Virginia welling Jesuit University "These substances themselves have been found to increase alertness and attention. We found that by eating chocolate, you can get stimulating effects. To study the effects of different types of chocolate on brain power, Bryan Raudenbush and his colleagues divided the volunteers into four groups, eating grams of milk chocolate, chocolate, chocolate and other things (in control, after a one minute digestion period, participants completed various computer-based neuropsychological tests designed to assess cognitive performance, including memory, attention span, reaction time, and problem-solving skills.

Milk chocolate scored significantly higher on verbal and visual memory than other conditions, Raudenbush said. According to the study, milk and dark chocolate intake can improve impulse control and reaction time.


牛奶巧克力可以增强脑力新泽西州枫林的本·唐纳德在一年一度的巧克力秀上咬了一口巧克力棉花糖图片巧克力爱好者为一项新的研究暗示吃牛奶巧克力可以增强大脑功能而高兴“巧克力中含有许多物质,如可可碱、苯乙胺和咖啡因,“西弗吉尼亚威灵耶稣会大学的布莱恩·劳登布什博士”这些物质本身已经被发现可以提高警觉性和注意力,我们发现通过食用巧克力,你可以得到刺激的效果,为了研究不同类型巧克力对脑力的影响,Bryan Raudenbush和他的同事让志愿者分为四组,分别食用克牛奶巧克力克黑巧克力克角豆和其他东西(对照条件下,经过一分钟的消化期,参与者完成了各种基于计算机的神经心理学测试旨在评估认知表现,包括记忆、注意力广度、反应时间和解决问题的能力。牛奶巧克力的语言和视觉记忆综合得分显著高于其他条件,Raudenbush说,根据研究,牛奶和黑巧克力的摄入可以改善冲动控制和反应时间。

寻找关于巧克力的英语 篇4

In a movie theater, a woman is enjoying a movie. Sitting next to her was a man who was apparently eating. All of a sudden, he began to look from the floor under his feet, as if he wanted to find something disturbed by the noise.

The woman hissed: "what are you doing? What are you looking for?" "a piece of hard chocolate." the man whispered to her, "a piece of chocolate." she glared at her angrily and said, "come on, it's dirty. Anyway, take this quiet and ask me to listen to the movie." She added, give the man a big piece of chocolate "thank you, man said," but my teeth are on the floor.




寻找关于巧克力的英语 篇5

When I came back with my coffee, someone was sitting in his seat, a boy in sunglasses and old clothes. He bought all the household goods in town last Friday and began to eat my chocolate. I wanted to have a rest before I catch the train.

I bought a newspaper and some chocolates and went into the coffee shop at the station. It's a cheap self-service place with long tables to sit on. I put the newspaper and chocolate on the table and went to get a coffee.

The boy gave me a strange look, then stood up, and as he left, he called out, "yes!" Everyone looked at me at what was wrong with the woman, but I didn't want to quarrel with the boy, so I kept silent until I finished my coffee and was ready to leave before I realized that I had made a mistake. My face turned red when I saw my unopened chocolate under the newspaper. The chocolate I've been eating is a boy's nature, and I feel uneasy about him, but I don't want to have any trouble.

I just looked down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee, drank two chocolates. The boy looked at me carefully, and then took my second chocolate. I couldn't believe it.

But when he took the third chocolate, I didn't say anything to him I think it's more than I think uneasily. OK, I want the last piece. I bought three.



