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invite的短语例句: 篇1

1. "Let's invite her to dinner." — "Over my dead body!"


2. I invite every citizen to carefully study the document.


3. "Look," she said, getting a brainstorm, "Why don't you invite them here?"


4. He denounced the decision to invite his fellow archbishop to preach.


5. Their refusal to compromise will inevitably invite more criticism from the UN.


6. She had twisted his arm to get him to invite her.


7. They haven't got an invite to the wedding.


8. Whom did they invite?


9. To follow the proposed course of action is to invite nemesis.


10. Don't expect that niggard to invite you to dinner.


11. Let's invite her to the disco — she needs distraction.

我们请她去迪斯科舞会 吧,她需要散散心。

12. Did they invite you?

他们邀请你了 吗 ?

13. Do you get an invite?

你收到请帖了 吗 ?

14. Let's invite them over for a drink.


15. You can invite whomever you like.


invite out(v.+adv. 篇2

请(某人)出去 invite sb out to meet or accompany

This is the second time that nice young man invited me out!这是那位好心的年轻人第二次请我出去吃饭!

invite to(v.+prep. 篇3

邀请(某人)参加 ask sb to one's home for a drink, meal, social visit, etc.

She invited me to her birthday party.她邀请我参加她的生日宴会。

invite in(v.+adv. 篇4

请(某人)进入(房间、房屋等) ask sb to enter a house, room, etc.

They invite me in.他们邀请我进屋。

She was obviously expecting me to invite her in, but I was too busy.她当时显然以为我会请她进屋,但我太忙了。

invite for(v.+prep. 篇5

为…而邀请 ask sb politely for sth

We invited them over to our place for a drink.我们请他们到我们家来喝一杯。

invite over(v.+adv. 篇6

请(某人)过来 ask (sb)to come over

We invite him over.我们请他过来。