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旅游的英语日记作文 篇1

My sister and I sat on the expedition, and began to move forward. The ship went ahead with the speed of the water. Suddenly, the ship turned a corner, and entered a dark cave. There was no five fingers in it, and there was a terrible bats calling. Our boat went up, seven or eight meters high, and after the peak, it dived down and splashed four or five meters high. The ship continued to advance, the deep hole, the faint light, countless flickering huge monster. When the ship approached, we were both surprised to find that there were many vivid dinosaurs. If you don't look at it carefully, you really need to be scared. All these dinosaurs with a bloody mouth, it looks terrible. To speed up the flow, a sharp turn, we went to "the ape world", in the dense forest, human ancestors can see vivid figure. Some of them were sitting on the grass, looking around a round thing, some hanging on the tree, and washing their feet and washing their feet on the water. Suddenly, a huge crab was lying on the surface of the water, blocking our way. The smart sister shrunk his head and just passed, I also tried it down, but no, I just squatted at the bottom of the cabin, hey, it was really successful.

Just through an obstacle, the water stopped, and we had to use the ship's pulp. My sister and I worked together and scratched. After about 20 minutes, we finally arrived at the end of the exciting and interesting adventure tour.

旅游的英语日记作文 篇2

I went to Wenzhou during the summer vacation, we also went to the zoo!

I saw wolves, lions, leopards, bears and monkeys in the zoo, and I saw many animals. Then I can play with a lot of friends, good high? So I didn 't think of Wenzhou to travel, and I am more happy is that I can go to many places in Wenzhou, can also play with friends, too happy. But also have unhappy, because I can no longer go to Wenzhou, in addition to the winter vacation and summer vacation, I still hope to go to Wenzhou.

英语旅游日记 篇3

There is a lake of beautiful scenery, the water shimmering on the lake, like a piece of green and green silk, soft and smooth, the ripples in the circle. The lake covers an area of 573 square kilometers with an average depth of 34 meters. It's made up of 1,078 islands, so the name of the lake comes from, guess what the lake is? I tell you its name is qiandao lake. Haven't you? Let me show you around.

One Sunday morning, our family of four departed, and we came to the dock, and we took the boat first to the deer park. Walking into the front door, not a few steps, a deer ran to the steps, toward us, I was stunned, scared to the face of the earth, hurriedly backward.。. But as soon as I was about to gasp, a deer came out of my back, so I called and jumped, and I managed to squeeze through the door. Everyone saw me this mess, couldn't help laughing. We have come to snake island, and there are many pools of snakes in the isle of snake. I saw a pool full of snakes, and there was a snake man telling people which was the five-foot snake and which one was the eye snake. At this time the snake man said, "anyone want to see a snake swallowing a rat? I want to see $20." Soon someone paid the money and the mouse was put in. But the snake did not harm it, but retreated a few steps. "Ha ha! What a timid serpent, even a mouse! It's so funny!" It was a time when everyone was feeling like they had not seen the scene of their imaginary flying snake, so they started booing. The snake man just smiled and let's look at it carefully. Then a snake slowly swam to the mouse. It approached the mouse and bit the mouse. The mouse stumbled and died, and the two snakes began to share the mouse. Oh! The original snake also knows cooperation! Inside the snake garden there is a boa constrictor that can be photographed for free. Some people say that women are afraid of snakes. Only a few bold men tried to take a picture of the boa constrictor, looking at their smiling face and knowing that they were still feeling a little scared. When we left the island, we came to the mountains, the tianchi, the monkey island, and all the attractions were so attractive.

? Did you have fun with me this time? Welcome to our travel club again. I'll give you a 40 percent discount. Goodbye! Bye - Bye.

英语旅游日记 篇4

The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in China 。 It lies in the south of Anhui 。 Every year thousands of Chinese and foreigners pay a visit there 。 It's not far from here 。 It takes you about three hours to get there by bus 。 You can also go there by train or by plane 。 While you are climbing the mountain , you can enjoy the sea of clouds , wondrous pines and unique rocks around you 。 In the early morning when the sun rises , the sky looks very beautiful 。 It's really a nice place to visit 。

英语旅游日记 篇5

My hometown is shaoxing. During the winter vacation, we went to visit my grandparents. I asked my father to take me to the da yu tomb.

At the front door of the da yu mausoleum, the first sight of the neat rows of small trees like green guards stood guard. Along the side of the road there are stone goats, stone horses and other stone animals. Some of them stood, some squatted, and others looked away, as if welcoming us! The most interesting thing was the stone horse, which had wings and was about to fly into the sky, looking very lovely.

I looked up at the foot of the hill and saw a bronze statue standing on the top of the hill. I think it must be the statue of grandpa da yu. So, I climbed very hard, there are many many steps, I can't climb, I gave myself the strength, continue to climb, finally climbed to the top of the mountain, I was happy to shout: "I won!"

I looked up with reverence and looked at grandpa da yu's bronze statue. It's like ten meters high. Grandpa da yu was a big man, and he was very powerful in his face, facing the central plains and standing on a huge rock. He had a high forehead, a square face, a pair of bright eyes, a shovel in his left hand, and his right hand pointing forward, like directing the people to flood relief.

At this time, I think of the text of "da yu zhishui"。 Grandpa da yu, who had been in the house to control the flood, did not enter the house. His child was in his teens, and he did not know what his father looked like. At this time, I was very excited, silently to da yu grandpa said: "you really deserve to be China's ancient water control hero."

Grandpa da yu, I love you, I will miss you forever!