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听力部分 40%


( ) 1.A.sheep B.sharp C.shape

( ) 2.A.buses B.books C.boxes

( ) 3.A.classmate B.classroom C.class

( ) 4.A.fourteen B.fifty C.fifteen

( ) 5.A.behind B.beside C.between

( ) 6.A.short and thin B.tall and fat C.tall and thin

( ) 7.A. This is my friend, Amy. She comes from Australia.

B. This is my friend, Amy. She comes from America.

C. This is my friend, Amy. She comes from the UK.

( ) 8.A.There are no classrooms in Rainbow Primary School.

B.There are no classrooms in Animal School.

C.There are no animals in Animal School.

( ) 9.A.The postman in the post office is eating the toast.

B.The postman in the post office is eating the biscuits.

C.The policeman in the police station is eating the toast.

( ) 10.A. Do you like this pair of jeans?

B. Do you have a pair of jeans?

C. Do you see a pair of jeans?


( ) 11.A.OK. B.Thank you. C.Nice to meet you too.

( ) 12.A.Hot. B.Cold. C.Warm.

( ) 13.A.Yes, there is. B.Yes, it is. C.No, it isn’t.

( ) 14.A.Twelve. B.Seven. C.Four.

( ) 15.A.He is a cook. B. He can cook. C.He likes cooking.


( ) 16. There is a garden near my home.

( ) 17. There are many monkeys here.

( ) 18. The cats are climbing the walls.

( ) 19. The ducks are swimming in the pond.

( ) 20. One of the horses runs very fast. It wins the game.


Today is the first of ____21______. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. The Smith family is at Century__22___. Mr. Smith wants to go to the __23____house. There are _______24____ flowers in it. But his son Jack wants to go to the _____25____. He likes watching birds. He __26___some photos with his ___27____. His sister Jane is playing near the___28_____. She has a ____29____ and she can draw some pictures. Mrs. Smith is ___30___under the tree. They have a good time there! X K b1 .C om

笔试部分 60%


31. our school is at no 126 garden street


六、判断划线部分发音是否相同, 相同用“T”表示, 不同用“F”表示。3%

32.mask desk ( ) 33.table happy ( )

34.thin smooth ( ) 35.she shop ( )

36.like try ( ) 37.many wash ( )


( ) 38.A: What ___your uncle_____? B: He is a firefighter.

A.do do B.does do C.does does

( ) 39.Christmas comes in ________ in Australia.

A.December B.September C.October

( ) 40.How much ______ a packet of sweets?

A.is B.are C.has

( ) 41.A cat is running after a mouse. The cat is _________ the mouse.

A.in front of B.behind C.in

( ) 42. Bryan is very________. He wants some water.

A.hungry B.thirsty C.tired

( ) 43.He can cook nice food. He’s a __________

A.cooker B.cook C.doctor

( ) 44.How do you feel? _________ happy.

A.He’s B.We’re C.They’re

( ) 45.There ____a bottle of water and two packets of biscuits on the table.

A.are B.have C.is

( ) 46._______, where is Rainbow Primary School?

A.Sorry B.It’s my pleasure C.Excuse me

( ) 47.Is this _____book? No, it’s ______book.

A.your; your B.my; your C.your; my


48. Would you like ___________ coffee?

49. The ___________ office is small but clean.

50. Let _____ go to school now.

51. The mouse has small but sharp __________.

52. Please give me two ______ of noodles.

53. How ______ is your new skirt? It’s sixty Yuan.

54. Summer is hot. We can go to the beach and go __________ in the sea.

55. A: How many _________ are there on the grass? B: Ten.

56. Where are the ________playing? They are playing on the swing.

57. Here’s some ________ for the horses.


58.It’s cool and dry in autumn.__________________________

59.My aunt is a nurse. (对划线部分提问)

60.Ben is tired and thirsty . (对划线部分提问)

61.This is a bottle of water.(改为复数句)

62.There’s a canteen in front of the playground. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_____________________________________________________

十、完成对话。(注意每格一词) 4%

Old man: 63 64 . Is there a restaurant here?

Jill: Yes. It’s __65 __ to the post office.

Old man: Oh, I see. Is there a bakery 66 _? I want to buy 67 bread.

Jill: Yes, ___68 __is. It’s behind the restaurant.

Old man: Thank you, little girl!

Jill: It’s ____69 ______70 .



Look, this is a photo of Jill’s family. You can see Jill’s grandpa. He’s an old man. He can swim fast. Jill’s grandma is fat, but she is beautiful. Jill’s father is a firefighter. He’s cool! Jill’s mother is thin and she can dance well. Jill has a sister. Her name is Tracy. She’s only three years old. She can’t read, but she can play with her toys. Jill loves her family very much.

( ) 71.Jill’s grandfather is not old and he can swim fast.

( ) 72.Jill’s mother can dance.

( ) 73.Tracy is Jill’s cousin.

( ) 74.Jill’s father is a cool driver.

( ) 75.Jill loves her family.

(二)阅读短文后选出正确的答案。 5%

Mr King is a teacher. He is teaching in a big school in London. There are many teachers and students. Mr King is always tired, because his home is far away from school. At nine o’clock one evening, he is in bed. Then the telephone rings in the living room. He picks up the phone and says, “This is Mr King. Who’s speaking, please?”

“Watt,” a man answers.

“What’s your name, please?” asks Mr King.

“Watt’s my name,” says the man.

“Yes, I ask you that. What’s your name?” Mr King says again.

“Again, Watt is my name,” says the man.

Both Mr King and Mr Watt put their phones down angrily(生气地) and say “That is a stupid(愚蠢的) man.”

( ) 76. Mr King is a __________ in London.

A.doctor B.teacher C.firefighter

( ) 77. Mr King lives _____________ school.

A.far from B.not far C.near

( ) 78. __________ is in bed at nine one evening.

A.Mr Watt B.Mr King C.Both Mr King and Mr Watt

( ) 79. Mr Watt __________ his name to Mr King.

A.doesn’t tell B.writes C.tells

( ) 80.This story is about ____________.

A.friendship(友谊) B.love C.misunderstanding(误会)


Kitty and Ben have twelve yuan. Now they are in the supermarket. The supermarket is very big. They can see food , fruit, flowers and clothes in it. Kitty and Ben are very hungry. They buy two packets of biscuits. They’re eight yuan. Kitty is thirsty too. A big bottle of water is six yuan. A small bottle of water is three yuan. Which one can she buy?

81. Where are Kitty and Ben? _______________________________________

82. Are there any fruit and food there? ________________________

83. How does Ben feel? ________________________

84. How much is one packet of biscuits? ______________________________

85. What does Kitty buy? ___________________________________________

十二、以 “ My school” 为题写话,要求三种句型,至少五句。5%





31. Our school is at No 126 Garden Street。

32-37. T F F T T F

38-47 B A A A B B B C C A

48-57 any teacher’s us teeth bowls much swimming sheep children hay

58 What is the weather like in Autumn? How is the weather like in Autumn。

59 What‘s your aunt? What does your aunt do?

60 How does Ben feel?

61 These are bottles of water。

62 Is there a canteen in front of the playground。 No,there isn’t

63-70 Excuse me next behind some there my pleasure

71-75 T T F F T

76-80 B A B C C

81 They are in the supermarket。

82 Yes,there are。

83 Ben is very hungry。

84 It’s four yuan.

85 Kitty buys a small bottle of water.

十二 略





如mary’s father(玛丽的父亲)

jim‘s mother(吉姆的母亲)




如tom’s knife(汤姆的小刀)

children‘s books(儿童书籍)


如jim and mike’s room吉姆和麦克(共用)的房间

jim‘s and mike’s rooms吉姆和麦克(各自)的房间


如the students’ reading-room(学生阅览室)

everyone needs to have at least eight hours‘ sleep a night. 每个人每晚需要至少8小时的睡眠。(新目标英语九年级)



如this is a woman’s work. 这是女人干的工作

this is a girls‘ school. 这是一所女子学校。


如 mr jones’s(mr jones‘)book(琼斯先生的书)

keats’ works(济慈的作品)


如where is today‘s newspaper? 今天的报纸在哪儿?

an hour’s walk isn‘t far. 一小时的路程不远。

(1) 有些无生命东西的名词,如国家,城市季节,太阳,月亮,大地,江河,海洋,船等名词也可用’s,表示所有关系。

如china‘s population(中国人口)

the city’s life(城市生活)


my uncle‘s(我叔叔家) ,the doctor’s(医生的诊所)



the window of the house(这间房子的窗户)

注意当’s所有格用来表示事物类别或属性时不可用of所有格。如:男式鞋应是men‘s,而不是shoes of men。

3.of +名词所有格

of +名词所有称为双重所有格,使用时要注意以下几项。

1)表示部分时,前面的词一定要有a ,an ,some ,any ,few ,two ,no ,several (几个)之类有修饰语,不能是one和the 。

如可说:a book of my brother’s 我兄弟的一本书

不说:books of my brother‘s或 book of my brother’s 。

2)当带有感情 色彩时,可用the ,this ,that ,these ,those于名词前。

如the pretty daughter of your sister‘s 你姐姐的漂亮的女儿

did you read that book of lu xun’s ? 你读过鲁迅的那本书吗?

3)of 前面的名词不能是专有名词。

如不说:this is john of his uncle‘s.

4)of 后面的名词必须是特定的。

如these books of my friend’s are good 我朋友的这些书很好。

5)of 后面的名词必须是指人的名词。

比较不说it is a leaf of the tree‘s.

a picture of my father指的是爸爸本人的照片。

注意of 所有格和双重所有格有时可以交替使用,意义无甚区别。

如a friend of my brother→a friend of my brother’s

测试点a car of betty‘s cars ,不可换为a car of betty.。jim’s and tom‘s fathers are in the same office now.吉姆的父亲的汤姆父亲目前在同一办公室。











1) 在语境中复习句子。

2) 根据句子类型在比较中复习句子,了解简单适当的语法知识。

3) 在表演中运用句子,这样的复习课也不缺趣味性。












